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healer options

so on my stamplar it makes sense and is a lot of fun to play a healer with d/w and 2h weapons

but when i play my magblade d/w is interesting to a point, i'm thinking that a lightning staff is just an easier choice. mainly because i dont have an aoe skill on d/w that uses magicka. now if that balerina spin used magicka instead of stamina then i think it's a lot more reasonable to use.

convince me i'm wrong?
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on 19 September 2023 03:10
  • FantasticFreddie
    Typically healers use a restoration staff and either a lightning or frost staff on their back bar for pve and snb backbar for pvp
    What sort of healing are you doing?
  • jommerryrth
    Typically healers use a restoration staff and either a lightning or frost staff on their back bar

  • Soarora
    (Assuming for PvE) I wouldn't use dual wield on a healer, you should be standing behind the DPS even if you don't have combat prayer due to mechanics that target the furthest person from the boss and things like path and orb. I use an inferno staff on my nightblade healer but I do not know what's up with the whole lightning versus inferno situation.
    Edited by Soarora on 18 September 2023 20:35
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • FantasticFreddie
    Typically healers use a restoration staff and either a lightning or frost staff on their back bar


    It's not meant to be exciting, it's a support role, it's meant to provide maximum support. Idk what to tell you. If you like dual wield on magblade so much why not just dps?
  • ForzaRammer
    People who choose healer role can’t “play whatever they want”.

    According to the hypocrites on forum, only people in dd role are entitled to “play whatever they want”.

    So suck it up. It’s normalized discrimination.
  • FantasticFreddie
    People who choose healer role can’t “play whatever they want”.

    According to the hypocrites on forum, only people in dd role are entitled to “play whatever they want”.

    So suck it up. It’s normalized discrimination.

    Literally no one says this. Group content requires everyone in to fulfill their role. It's what is at the core of all the "fake dd" threads.

    If you want to play how you want, play solo content, or find a super chill group that doesn't care.
  • jommerryrth
    i've taken my stamplar d/w 2h healer into vet content from random group finder and have done very well. no one's booted me. so whoever thinks a healer is only a vampire stick and a lightning stick surely havent played with me yet.
  • jommerryrth
    Typically healers use a restoration staff and either a lightning or frost staff on their back bar for pve and snb backbar for pvp
    What sort of healing are you doing?

    stam sorc crit healer build anyone?

    uses d/w with crusher and weakening on the d/w items. along with the vampire stick. now you can call that vampire stick a resto staff if you like but really you're just a two legged horavor with a fancy vampire stick as far as i can tell
  • Soarora
    Typically healers use a restoration staff and either a lightning or frost staff on their back bar


    It's not meant to be exciting, it's a support role, it's meant to provide maximum support. Idk what to tell you. If you like dual wield on magblade so much why not just dps?

    You can make exciting support roles, but I'd say it's more of a dungeon thing than a trial thing unless you've got a guild of eccentric people (I wouldn't take my nb heal/dps hybrid into a trial without slotting a restro). As long as they're doing the core of their support role, then anything else is flavor. I know someone who's got some pretty fun support builds and they've inspired my own.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • FantasticFreddie
    i've taken my stamplar d/w 2h healer into vet content from random group finder and have done very well. no one's booted me. so whoever thinks a healer is only a vampire stick and a lightning stick surely havent played with me yet.

    I'd question what buffs and debuffs you were providing. And, really, what's the point? Doing more work for less results? Just play a dd if you want to do damage that badly.
  • jommerryrth
    i've taken my stamplar d/w 2h healer into vet content from random group finder and have done very well. no one's booted me. so whoever thinks a healer is only a vampire stick and a lightning stick surely havent played with me yet.

    I'd question what buffs and debuffs you were providing. And, really, what's the point? Doing more work for less results? Just play a dd if you want to do damage that badly.

    you haven't seen it and you dont know it yet you feel completely ok with poopooing it based on your vast amount of no experience with it?

    well yah that's totally reasonable.
  • FantasticFreddie
    i've taken my stamplar d/w 2h healer into vet content from random group finder and have done very well. no one's booted me. so whoever thinks a healer is only a vampire stick and a lightning stick surely havent played with me yet.

    I'd question what buffs and debuffs you were providing. And, really, what's the point? Doing more work for less results? Just play a dd if you want to do damage that badly.

    you haven't seen it and you dont know it yet you feel completely ok with poopooing it based on your vast amount of no experience with it?

    well yah that's totally reasonable.

    Every single healer main goes through their teenager I mean stam healer phase. We ALL tried to make it work. We got very clever with it too.
    And it was always more work, and it always underperformed in content.
  • AcadianPaladin
    I'd be curious to hear more about OP's build. After all, templars can bring a lot to healing just from their class skills (purge, resource regen, HoT, burst heals out to 28m). Sets like Spell Power Cure, Earthgore and Winter's Respite can bring a lot as well. And non weapon/non class skills like Vigor and Orbs can be pretty helpful as well. Not saying as good as a lightning/resto healer but possibly viable enough to do the job.

    If my tank is breaching the boss, I've no need to slot EleDrain. Even if I wanted to provide major breach, Caltrops can do that without a destro staff . If a dps is keeping a lightning wall down for off balance, do I really need to?

    With all the other healing options, combat prayer might perhaps the strongest case for a resto staff. That said, combat prayer is demanding to keep up on a whole group and basically impossible to keep up on a pug. I run a lightning/resto staff full magplar healer and even I can't justify a slot for combat prayer.
    Edited by AcadianPaladin on 18 September 2023 23:39
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • FantasticFreddie
    I'd be curious to hear more about OP's build. After all, templars can bring a lot to healing just from their class skills (purge, resource regen, HoT, burst heals out to 28m). Sets like Spell Power Cure, Earthgore and Winter's Respite can bring a lot as well. And non weapon/non class skills like Vigor and Orbs can be pretty helpful as well. Not saying as good as a lightning/resto healer but possibly viable enough to do the job.

    If my tank is breaching the boss, I've no need to slot EleDrain. Even if I wanted to provide major breach, Caltrops can do that without a destro staff . If a dps is keeping a lightning wall down for off balance, do I really need to?

    With all the other healing options, combat prayer might perhaps the strongest case for a resto staff. That said, combat prayer is demanding to keep up on a whole group and basically impossible to keep up on a pug. I run a lightning/resto staff full magplar healer and even I can't justify a slot for combat prayer.

    OP is on a nightblade.
  • p00tx
    i've taken my stamplar d/w 2h healer into vet content from random group finder and have done very well. no one's booted me. so whoever thinks a healer is only a vampire stick and a lightning stick surely havent played with me yet.

    If you're in 4 man content, it really doesn't matter what you slot. Just have fun, live your best life, and do your thing. I think a lot of the naysayers are assuming you're talking about 12 man trials content, which is a totally different ballgame.
    PC/Xbox NA Mindmender|Swashbuckler Supreme|Planes Breaker|Dawnbringer|Godslayer|Immortal Redeemer|Gryphon Heart|Tick-tock Tormentor|Dro-m'Athra Destroyer|Stormproof|Grand Overlord|Grand Mastercrafter|Master Grappler|Tamriel Hero
  • AcadianPaladin
    I'd be curious to hear more about OP's build. After all, templars can bring a lot to healing just from their class skills (purge, resource regen, HoT, burst heals out to 28m). Sets like Spell Power Cure, Earthgore and Winter's Respite can bring a lot as well. And non weapon/non class skills like Vigor and Orbs can be pretty helpful as well. Not saying as good as a lightning/resto healer but possibly viable enough to do the job.

    If my tank is breaching the boss, I've no need to slot EleDrain. Even if I wanted to provide major breach, Caltrops can do that without a destro staff . If a dps is keeping a lightning wall down for off balance, do I really need to?

    With all the other healing options, combat prayer might perhaps the strongest case for a resto staff. That said, combat prayer is demanding to keep up on a whole group and basically impossible to keep up on a pug. I run a lightning/resto staff full magplar healer and even I can't justify a slot for combat prayer.

    OP is on a nightblade.

    The way I read it, OP heals on both a stamplar and a magblade and was lamenting the magblade being less fun/effective. Can't help there, since I stick to templar and warden for healing. :)
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • kargen27
    People who choose healer role can’t “play whatever they want”.

    According to the hypocrites on forum, only people in dd role are entitled to “play whatever they want”.

    So suck it up. It’s normalized discrimination.

    Sure they can so long as they have a heal skill, use it from time to time and are in a group that will accept a mediocre healer. Same as a damage dealer so long as they are doing some damage and in a group that is willing they can play as they wish.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • rabidmyers
    i've taken my stamplar d/w 2h healer into vet content from random group finder and have done very well. no one's booted me. so whoever thinks a healer is only a vampire stick and a lightning stick surely havent played with me yet.

    I'd question what buffs and debuffs you were providing. And, really, what's the point? Doing more work for less results? Just play a dd if you want to do damage that badly.

    you haven't seen it and you dont know it yet you feel completely ok with poopooing it based on your vast amount of no experience with it?

    well yah that's totally reasonable.

    Every single healer main goes through their teenager I mean stam healer phase. We ALL tried to make it work. We got very clever with it too.
    And it was always more work, and it always underperformed in content.

    nope, i have never tried to do stam healing. i am way too sigma to ever go through a phase like that
    at a place nobody knows
  • ZOS_Hadeostry


    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic, as it's asking the community for assistance.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • ForzaRammer
    kargen27 wrote: »
    People who choose healer role can’t “play whatever they want”.

    According to the hypocrites on forum, only people in dd role are entitled to “play whatever they want”.

    So suck it up. It’s normalized discrimination.

    Sure they can so long as they have a heal skill, use it from time to time and are in a group that will accept a mediocre healer. Same as a damage dealer so long as they are doing some damage and in a group that is willing they can play as they wish.

    Already proved to you “1 dps make it real” leads to “tanks are dd” then leads to “discriminatory distribution of responsibility”, which you can’t even refute.

    Also given the fact polarwind and spirit guardian can heal an ally. Basically every trial tank warden or necro satisfy your healer definition.

    This alone is not absurd, except last time you also claimed a person can’t be multiple roles at the same time, there is no subset of roles, they all disjoint sets.

    Keep up with the self contradictions, i find it fun to read.
    Edited by ForzaRammer on 19 September 2023 20:08
  • jommerryrth
    I'd be curious to hear more about OP's build. After all, templars can bring a lot to healing just from their class skills (purge, resource regen, HoT, burst heals out to 28m). Sets like Spell Power Cure, Earthgore and Winter's Respite can bring a lot as well. And non weapon/non class skills like Vigor and Orbs can be pretty helpful as well. Not saying as good as a lightning/resto healer but possibly viable enough to do the job.

    If my tank is breaching the boss, I've no need to slot EleDrain. Even if I wanted to provide major breach, Caltrops can do that without a destro staff . If a dps is keeping a lightning wall down for off balance, do I really need to?

    With all the other healing options, combat prayer might perhaps the strongest case for a resto staff. That said, combat prayer is demanding to keep up on a whole group and basically impossible to keep up on a pug. I run a lightning/resto staff full magplar healer and even I can't justify a slot for combat prayer.

    OP is on a nightblade.

    The way I read it, OP heals on both a stamplar and a magblade and was lamenting the magblade being less fun/effective. Can't help there, since I stick to templar and warden for healing. :)

    You do stamden healing?i have bow and daggers but mostly stay on bow.
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