Why do we need to compete to get back to Rubedite level? We play the same players, but our wins and losses do not have the same effect. Further, we suppress new blood from entering the ranked level.
Let's make it simple. If you reached Rubedite level in the past month AND had a minimum of ten wins at Rubedite, automatically place the person in Rubedite level for the following month. There is no reason for the person to climb the ranks again because they have proven that they are good enough to be at that rank.
If the player didn't play in the month, or didn't get ten wins, they start at the lowest PvP level again.
We need more players in Rubedite as our numbers are dropping. Let the leveling process exist for new players so that they can join the seasoned players in the Rubedite level. If we complete in leveling against them, it will discourage them from playing.