With all the amazing furnishings being added lately, it's the perfect time to get back to basics!
Place the Pebble Pal pet furnishing in an inn room!
My pet rock in Sugar Bowl Suite
Pebble Pal should be the only furnishing in your inn room.
Must be placed directly on the floor.
Please don't place it in the corner.
No addon Visual FX allowed.
Really looking forward to seeing people's creative approaches to this!
JUDGING: Entries will be critiqued based on fun factor, creativity, and adherence to standard safety protocols. Will be judged by an amorphous zerg ball of PVPers.
PRIZES: Clearly not in the budget
Entries are due April 1, 2023. Feel welcome to message JHartEllis if you'd like your inn room toured on stream at
Have fun!!
Edited by JHartEllis on 1 April 2023 16:33