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What is the State of Roleplay in EU Megaserver?

Hey hey, people,

Teh question from the title -- is EU low-to-almost-none RP or there are some secret places one without connections could find? Internet mostly gave me NA events, and disproportionally so... Hence the question.

If one wants to RP a bit (or longer/meaningful), is connecting to NA the only way?

Thanks for any drops of info.
  • Vuskuldein
    *sigh* I'd say almost non-existent.

    I'm on the EU server and am equally disappointed in the lack of open RP. I tried the NA server and got really bad ping rates, unplayable.

    I'd like to walk around the cities instead of running or ride on my Indrik slowly through pretty areas to appreciate the visuals but am too self-conscious to do so. There was one time when I was in fargrave and someone was sat down playing an instrument which really fit with FG's theme and a few people stopped to listen. Moments like this just add to the environments, but apparently there's people who find this weird? I'd ask why they're playing an mmoRPG!

    I'd love if there were an RP server but I don't think that's ever going to happen.... or an RP channel in the chat would be cool, to try and encourage players to participate.

    It's something I've noticed is common on EU servers of other games...
  • Axie
    Thank you for your reply Vuskuldeine dragi; yes I concur that expecting an RP server is out of sight, but having an official RP channel is quite easy to set up for devs and it really, really might help people find their roleplay when they hop into the game and especially if they are new or not in an RP guild. (Mentioning RP guild -- is there one? Recruiting?).

    One bit of your reply I cannot say was my experience is, paraphrasing, “low RP content in other games on EU servers” as I fondly remember my old-old days in WoW and its RP-PVP servers...

    Okay, thanks and if someone knows some secret cove, some secret time and place RPers come out of their closet and play on EU MS (or a guild!) – please do let it be known!

  • SantieClaws
    Well this one has never understood why you would play with rolls.

    So much better for lunch with a nice cheese.

    But perhaps you have to look like a flower to bring in the bees yes?

    Play some music yourself, dance, argue with a few of the locals about unloading boxes in Alinor and see who joins in perhaps?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Ratzkifal
    Sadly it's been a while since I ran into some roleplayers in the open world. Ironically the RP scene seems to be more active in Cyrodiil, probably because everyone can bond over being this colour over some other colour, but calling it "active" there would be an overstatement.

    From what I can gather the housing update killed the growth of the RP scene in ESO because people moved into their houses to use them as roleplay stages and get away from mudball throwers. But that has also made it impossible to run into other roleplayers out in the wild and so, over time, guilds started shrinking unless they heavily advertised or something. The guild finder feature came way too late but it might have revitalized it a bit, not that I would know though.
    Edited by Ratzkifal on 28 April 2022 01:18
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Axie
    Well this one has never understood why you would play with rolls.

    So much better for lunch with a nice cheese.

    But perhaps you have to look like a flower to bring in the bees yes?

    Play some music yourself, dance, argue with a few of the locals about unloading boxes in Alinor and see who joins in perhaps?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    Will most certainly take that one's advice!

    Keep purring, friend! All the best,

    -- Axierastos
  • Technica
    I remember when I first started playing ESO, there were loads of people RPing out in the wild.
    Was very common to stumble across people chatting in character and what not.
    Was like WoW (from the tiny amount I've seen there)

    I almost don't see it at all anymore.
    The last time was a good number of months now and I was farming a public dungeon, some people were RPing using runes to open a door. I joined in by waiting for them to finish then went through myself.

    I'm not a big RPer (ESO is my first MMO really and I'm too shy and self conscious to do anything major) but I do like to walk around and interact with things in character (I also swap my personality to reflect what I think my char would be feeling)

    I do get people stop-start running behind/around me when I'm walking because I bet I look out of place as everyone else is RPing Usain Bolt but I don't care.

    I kind of do my own, solo RP and watch everyone else sprint around me. No one comments on anything at all. No one has told me I'm werird in my experience. Like I mentioned, the only thing I've noticed is people following my walking.

    I also use LorePlay so my character will randomly choose different emotes to play if I'm AFK.
    The other day I was by the Summerset crafting stations, and I was AFK talking to someone in my household. When I looked at my screen I saw my char was in a kneeling praying emote, and I'd got some other people copying me - I'd got like a little prayer circle going lol.

    I would express to anyone that if you want to RP in simple ways like this go right ahead. Since I've had no negative comments about it, I think most people are happy to just let us continue on our merry, slow-walking, way :smile:

    *Another subtle thing I do with my char; if its raining, I put a hat on :smile:
    Edited by Technica on 9 June 2022 21:44
    You will know me by my eye. | Adventuring since beta | PC EU | ESO+ | I recommend this reshade (Example Screenshots)
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Sadly most RP is done in housing these days with guilds. It just makes it easier and without fuss and harassment.

    It happens there is some roleplaying going out in the wild but a lot is as mentioned in houses organised by guilds. There are also larger discord groups that has people from various guilds and people outside guilds.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • royalwench
    I do it in the open world but had to start a guild for it as I couldn't find casual roleplay.
  • itslenh
    I want to do it really... I pretty loved to do at swtor back in the day, but in eso i want to try out at least!
    And I looking for an EU PC rp guild too..
    If you have questions, contact me via discord or ingame (PC-EU).
    Discord: itslenh
    UserID: itslenh
  • Amphithoe
    It is to bad. Most of the time I feel like I'm playing a Marvel MMO rather than a TES MMO. The amount of brightly coloured glowing outfits and mounts I see running around really breaks the immersion. I'd really like to see the megaservers split, at least in the overland, into RP, casual etc shards.
    Guildmaster: School of Julianos
  • Tryme
    Soul Shriven
    Let me then inform you that i am reforming my old guild to fit my new character Charls V Eddington who is of nobel birth and have a somewhat dark childhood that made his personality the way it is today. He is trying to find companions and employees for his moving caravan with the goal to become the biggest moving trade caravan that Tamriell have ever seen in it's history. This caravan will shurely attract attention so we need guards to fend off any of those who might try to try their luck to gain an easy buck. And if they would succeed~ They would be given items of 3 ( of their choice) And if they would lose~ Punishment of items of 3 would be withdrawn from them.
    Through this caravan he will gain finances and power!
    Through finances and power he will meet the crises and combat it to help those in need when walking around Tamriell with his trade caravan. Plus through power and finances he will gain what he seeks.

    So please! Have a look! For those who seek an rp guild and events look this way!! Let's make this come to reality!
  • notyuu
    Active but bubbled af and fragemented, the cloest thing we have to a choesive location is LoN which is a hub for the more perverlant pc-eu rp guilds around, give em a poke and hope for the best
  • StormBlade512
    I'm on PS EU and it's pretty much non existent. I've heard PC is better
  • Cucumber
    I've been on PC EU since 2017 and roleplaying outside guilds/forums is non existent yes, i hope ZENIMAX looks into this
  • BenTSG
    I did once run into a small group of Russians, perhaps? In Gold Coats Mage's Guild not too long ago who I believe was RP'ing when I was on a theft spree. Sadly couldn't tell what they was RP'ing, but I quickly whispered one of them to apoligize for the disruption which they said was completely fine and was just happy to see someone who didn't distrupt them and cared. I wonder if I will ever run into them again. So far though, that mostly seems like the only thing in a very long time. Now that I think about it, I do think I recall seeing two people walking through Gold Coast RP'ing even longer ago, so perhaps Gold Coast has some very little activity.

    I myself like to walk through towns sometimes when I am not actively trying to do something. I like to somewhat RP in a sense when questing sometimes, but other then that it's usually walking and emoting in places, though I fully understand what Vuskuldein means though about feeling self-concious when doing it! I've been wanting to get a bit more into the RP scene but I keep getting really shy at the thought of comitting to it.
  • Vrienda
    I'd love nothing more than for EU RP to be alive and thriving, it would keep this game alive for years for me. Even through bad content.

    Sadly Roleplayers get next to no support so it's all guild housing based. The last time I saw RP was 2015 and everyone involved was French or German so I couldn't join in... Genuine roleplay servers or a roleplay phase would be such a blessing to this game. I'd say subscribed indefinitely I want to RP in the Elder Scrolls setting with others so bad. As it stands though I'd be better off looking for a TES3MP server...

    I hear US is a bit better for RP than EU but I've never seen RP in the wild on my US alt so I presume it's all guild based or I got shoved into a very unlucky phase all the time.

    I -do- have vague recollections of a Mage's Guild RP event that'd happen every week or so in Wayrest but I don't know if that's still a thing. Kinda gave up after I couldn't find the phase with them in at the time... And I'm a little too shy to just ask to be put in.
    Desperate for Roleplaying servers to bring open world non-organised RP to Elder Scrolls Online. Please ZOS.
  • Idelise
    Honestly...? The RP on EU is pretty active. I don't think I recall a day when something did -not- happen.
    Then again, most RP is linked to activity on Discord-related communities, like the general Hub (Legacies of Nirn). There, you can find events which happen regularly, adventures, socials... whatever you choose!
    Just this week we had: tavern social on Monday, adventure today, and social community event on Sunday... that's completely excluding the RP and events that happen in guilds, should you join one!
  • CoolBlast3
    EU RP is alive and well. ESO is just not built for open world RP, you *need* a guild hub. Fortunately, we have plenty.

    The biggest one is called Legacies of Nirn. It hosts not all, but a large majority of roleplay guilds and sub-hubs. From adventuring bands, to village slice of life, to vampiric covens, there's guilds for everyone in here. The discord is active enough with daily chatter, art posting, guild recruitment, public RP and the occasional contest.

    I'm not sure if we're allowed to link discords on the forums, but here's the invite link
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