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FPS problems.

Soul Shriven
Hey there. I have a following problem:
The game runs normally (40-50fps), and when I look at a specific location (happens randomly, sometimes in a populated city, sometimes just "somewhere"), it starts to drop FPS (to 15-10), unless I stop looking there. I tried everything in video settings, nothing works. Even on MINIMUM quality, I still get this problem.
Can anyone help me with this?

MacBook Pro with Retina display,
i7, 16 gb ram, 650m.
  • Moonraker
    @sadih Usually that's because the client is loading in a lot of data i.e. objects but especially players, even if you can't see them directly. View Distance for example does effect NPC or players. Hence it drops FPS.

    Other players has the biggest impact for performance and memory but other things such as NPCs or some effects can hit performance also.

    Try turning down Shadow Quality lower (I have Medium as Ultra is default for me but depends) Sometimes I need to turn down some other effects or reduce View Distance if a town is really busy but it's only if it's really busy.

    Typically when moving FPS also drops if you move fast too as it is loading in new data but usually stabilises when static within a short time.
    Edited by Moonraker on 5 May 2014 13:16
  • sadih
    Soul Shriven
    Moonraker wrote: »
    @sadih Usually that's because the client is loading in a lot of data i.e. objects but especially players, even if you can't see them directly. View Distance for example does effect NPC or players. Hence it drops FPS.

    Other players has the biggest impact for performance and memory but other things such as NPCs or some effects can hit performance also.

    Try turning down Shadow Quality lower (I have Medium as Ultra is default for me but depends) Sometimes I need to turn down some other effects or reduce View Distance if a town is really busy but it's only if it's really busy.

    Typically when moving FPS also drops if you move fast too as it is loading in new data but usually stabilises when static within a short time.

    Thanks, Moonraker! So far I lowered my view distance to 0, it works like a charm, which is actually strange, because objects and npcs should not affect performance THAT MUCH.
    Maybe it's an OpenGL thing, because I don't experience same performance drop in Bootcamp.
  • Moonraker
    sadih wrote: »
    Moonraker wrote: »
    @sadih Usually that's because the client is loading in a lot of data i.e. objects but especially players, even if you can't see them directly. View Distance for example does effect NPC or players. Hence it drops FPS.

    Other players has the biggest impact for performance and memory but other things such as NPCs or some effects can hit performance also.

    Try turning down Shadow Quality lower (I have Medium as Ultra is default for me but depends) Sometimes I need to turn down some other effects or reduce View Distance if a town is really busy but it's only if it's really busy.

    Typically when moving FPS also drops if you move fast too as it is loading in new data but usually stabilises when static within a short time.

    Thanks, Moonraker! So far I lowered my view distance to 0, it works like a charm, which is actually strange, because objects and npcs should not affect performance THAT MUCH.
    Maybe it's an OpenGL thing, because I don't experience same performance drop in Bootcamp.
    No problem. Happy to help.

    View Distance 0 will look weird ;) and a bit extreme but it does help. I will lower it from say default 62 (Ultra-High) to 35. But usually I never need to do this. A value of 0 you can actually see that objects like buildings, trees disappear but that NPCs and players are still drawn. So it helps some but not as much as if it reduced number of players or NPC on grid.

    OpenGL and DX11 are different in how they handle things, though it is probably also down to the more optimised drivers available on the Windows side will also make quite a difference.

    With my Nvidia GTX 780M with 4GB VRAM I see a FPS drop in town as expected but only to around 30FPS usually as a minimum so it's acceptable for me with Ultra-High setting.
    Edited by Moonraker on 5 May 2014 14:57
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