Consider joining our guild “Haunted Souls” if you enjoy going on quests with others, hunting for antiquities, socializing, or just want a sense of community and somewhere to go if you need help in game.
We are a casual guild with a new guild master trying to get the guild up and running again. We focus on completing quests, socializing, and finding antiquities.
Perk of being in our guild: This is a parent friendly guild so we understand what it’s like to game when you have kids to take care of. We have a guild hall with crafting stations. There are no mandatory fees and we have a discord available for those who want to use it.
The guild leaders are usually online from 7:30-midnight CST on random days of the week.
Requirements to be in the guild: 20+ please, no experience or level requirement, and to keep the guild active we ask that all members login at least once a month.
In your application let us know what you are looking for in a guild, such as a sense of community, a place to talk, people to quest with ect. We want to get to know our new members!
Please always be respectful and kind to everyone

Leave your username below or send me a message and I'll reach out with an invite.