SpacemanSpiff1 wrote: »
it's a pvp zone. you don't have to go there.
How in the Hell will i make the dam quest without plus or dlc?! ZoS force us to Spend money or go into dam PvP. [snip]
How in the Hell will i make the dam quest without plus or dlc?! ZoS force us to Spend money or go into dam PvP. [snip]
SpacemanSpiff1 wrote: »
go make some jewelry.
How?! I don't have Plus or Dlc. Alternative is go PvP, but i cant EVEN enter in there, cuz my faction dont control the dam gates. [snip]
How?! I don't have Plus or Dlc. Alternative is go PvP, but i cant EVEN enter in there, cuz my faction dont control the dam gates. [snip]
How in the Hell will i make the dam quest without plus or dlc?! ZoS force us to Spend money or go into dam PvP. [snip]
what what what!?!? What what!? what!?
-We dont Have PvE quest in PvP zone?
Get out of here.
I swear to god. from now on, i will kick\vote to kick everyone out Dungeon\Trial if i Dream he is in PvP sets.
Cuz to make some pve quest i need to go pvp. I really hate everytime ZoS force us to play in PvP zones to complete PvE quests. I just hate this *****
Agenericname wrote: »
Are you going to specify that youre kicking the kicking the templar out of the group because theyre wearing Deadly Strikes?