Hahahahahahahaha. No, you don't suck, most people have this same problem. The answer is "tab targeting" but you're on PC I believe so someone else will have to tell you how.
It's honestly been a problem for a LONG time. If not engine guardians then sorc pets. What the game really needs to do is just make crap like this untargetable. For every sorc complaining "aw man the matriarch dies so easily," there's another player saying "well, I didn't WANT to hit your stupid matriarch."
I will say though if the guy took the resource AND killed you all then he was probably pretty good and deserves credit for that. But in the future you should try tab targeting the guy. You'll still have to aim, but if two targets are visually on top of each other then you'll hit the one you have tab targeted.
Also, a different form of advice, you can also bash the engine guardian to interrupt the resource return.
Considering the 1pc bonus is health recovery and you don't get to choose which of the 3 resources is returned to you at any given proc... It isn't even really a very good monster set. The problem you experienced happens to be the main reason people use it. So no, you are not alone.
MEBengalsFan2001 wrote: »Hahahahahahahaha. No, you don't suck, most people have this same problem. The answer is "tab targeting" but you're on PC I believe so someone else will have to tell you how.
It's honestly been a problem for a LONG time. If not engine guardians then sorc pets. What the game really needs to do is just make crap like this untargetable. For every sorc complaining "aw man the matriarch dies so easily," there's another player saying "well, I didn't WANT to hit your stupid matriarch."
I will say though if the guy took the resource AND killed you all then he was probably pretty good and deserves credit for that. But in the future you should try tab targeting the guy. You'll still have to aim, but if two targets are visually on top of each other then you'll hit the one you have tab targeted.
Also, a different form of advice, you can also bash the engine guardian to interrupt the resource return.
Considering the 1pc bonus is health recovery and you don't get to choose which of the 3 resources is returned to you at any given proc... It isn't even really a very good monster set. The problem you experienced happens to be the main reason people use it. So no, you are not alone.
Killing a sorc pet reduces the Sor health by 10%. If someone is already beating on the Sorc, killing the pet is a great way to help kill the sorc as they could lose 10% of their health and not realize it.
Tab targeting does nothing but highlight the enemy you want to target. It still wont stop the mile wide hitbox of DS or any other pet from taking priority,
MEBengalsFan2001 wrote: »Hahahahahahahaha. No, you don't suck, most people have this same problem. The answer is "tab targeting" but you're on PC I believe so someone else will have to tell you how.
It's honestly been a problem for a LONG time. If not engine guardians then sorc pets. What the game really needs to do is just make crap like this untargetable. For every sorc complaining "aw man the matriarch dies so easily," there's another player saying "well, I didn't WANT to hit your stupid matriarch."
I will say though if the guy took the resource AND killed you all then he was probably pretty good and deserves credit for that. But in the future you should try tab targeting the guy. You'll still have to aim, but if two targets are visually on top of each other then you'll hit the one you have tab targeted.
Also, a different form of advice, you can also bash the engine guardian to interrupt the resource return.
Considering the 1pc bonus is health recovery and you don't get to choose which of the 3 resources is returned to you at any given proc... It isn't even really a very good monster set. The problem you experienced happens to be the main reason people use it. So no, you are not alone.
Killing a sorc pet reduces the Sor health by 10%. If someone is already beating on the Sorc, killing the pet is a great way to help kill the sorc as they could lose 10% of their health and not realize it.
Very cool, I hadn't really thought about that. I kill sorc pets when I can't kill the sorc otherwise... I always try to do it without killing the pet first though.
Hahahahahahahaha. No, you don't suck, most people have this same problem. The answer is "tab targeting" but you're on PC I believe so someone else will have to tell you how.
It's honestly been a problem for a LONG time. If not engine guardians then sorc pets. What the game really needs to do is just make crap like this untargetable. For every sorc complaining "aw man the matriarch dies so easily," there's another player saying "well, I didn't WANT to hit your stupid matriarch."
I will say though if the guy took the resource AND killed you all then he was probably pretty good and deserves credit for that. But in the future you should try tab targeting the guy. You'll still have to aim, but if two targets are visually on top of each other then you'll hit the one you have tab targeted.
Also, a different form of advice, you can also bash the engine guardian to interrupt the resource return.
Considering the 1pc bonus is health recovery and you don't get to choose which of the 3 resources is returned to you at any given proc... It isn't even really a very good monster set. The problem you experienced happens to be the main reason people use it. So no, you are not alone.
Tab targeting does nothing but highlight the enemy you want to target.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »Bash the sphere. It will stop moving so you can get around it, and it will stop giving them resources
SkaraMinoc wrote: »Tab targeting does nothing but highlight the enemy you want to target.
Focus Target, mistakenly referred to as "tab targeting" in ESO, is a game object state that does two things.In other words, "tab targeting" does not work like it does in other MMOs, namely World of Warcraft. Instead, it makes your player always target that player/npc even if something else is in front of it. This is how you attack players surrounded by pets, assuming you can initially focus them.
- Draws a visual border highlight around a targetable game object
- Makes your player target the focused entity when it's behind other targetable game objects