Skills and Companions/Pets

Hi there. Is there any particular reason why skills like Twilight Matriach heal works on companions, but ice fortress doesn't work on companions or the bear pet? Like some aoe heals work, but some armor/support skills don't. Who made this decision and why? I tried to google search and I got nothing.
  • Kinvesu
    Can't edit my post. Elemental blockade/unstable wall with frost staff, the shield, also does not work on companions or pets. Makes absolutely no sense.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Companions count as pets and player targets take priority on abilities that use smart target system. The best heal for companions that everyone can use is Echoing Vigor. The rest are Blessing of Protection, Refreshing Path, Healing Ritual, Repentance, Cleansing/Extended Ritual, and Fungal Growth.
  • Kinvesu
    Companions count as pets and player targets take priority on abilities that use smart target system. The best heal for companions that everyone can use is Echoing Vigor. The rest are Blessing of Protection, Refreshing Path, Healing Ritual, Repentance, Cleansing/Extended Ritual, and Fungal Growth.

    Hmm ok. Thank you, I did not know they count as pets. I see that when I am alone. The heals will target them, but is there any reason why skills like ice fortress won't?

    The heals/buffs both say ally/allies. So shouldn't the buffs like ice fortress work when heals do?

    I can heal bastion and my pet bear, but I can't buff them with ice fortress, which says allies just like the heals do.
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