How to use the scrying augur from rank 5 onwards?

All the purple leads have 4-6 levels of dirt in the excavation sites and the augur doesn't work on them. Is there a way to upgrade it? I didn't see any skill for that. The brush supposedly upgrades at rank 7 but nothing is said about the augur.
  • vsrs_au
    All the purple leads have 4-6 levels of dirt in the excavation sites and the augur doesn't work on them. Is there a way to upgrade it? I didn't see any skill for that. The brush supposedly upgrades at rank 7 but nothing is said about the augur.
    For the higher-level excavations, there are more layers of dirt, and when you place the augur over any of these squares, it highlights red to indicate you can't use the augur there. What you then need to do is use the brush to remove layers until the augur is no longer blocked. In other words, this is a mechanism to make the excavation tougher for higher levels.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Dagoth_Rac
    In earlier levels, you can use augur anywhere. In later levels, some spots have too much dirt to augur, but there are always plenty of spots you can still augur. You are a little more limited, but can usually triangulate where the antiquity is, even if it is a spot you can't augur directly.
  • Thecompton73
    you do need to put a skill point into the passive at level 5 if you haven't already
    Edited by Thecompton73 on 13 February 2023 03:59
  • Biscuit_290
    oh so that's what I had to do
  • Biscuit_290
    Ofc... the excavation line. I completely missed that. Was looking in the other line all this time.
  • Thecompton73
    glad I could help
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