When the card game was announced, I gave it the benefit of the doubt, made it known I thought it'd be a nice side addition to gameplay, give us something to do in Taverns/Inns and whatnot. Generally I more or less supported it while many others condemned it as a Chapter feature. Fast forward a couple months after launch and I finally decided to give it a try out of boredom, cause it wasn't really attractive to me personally to jump right on it, and I quickly began to notice things.
1. I still don't know what I'm doing half the time.
I'm slowly picking up on the color coding, playing combos, what Patrons to use and when. However a lot of the time I just feel like I'm stumped and just being carried on by the flow of the match. After a dozen or so matches I still have no idea what use the Loremaster Celarus deck is. All it mainly does is shift cards from your draw pile directly into the cooldown, how is that supposed to help? I've basically figured out if you want to try to win, focus on Pelin and Crows, among the default decks.
2. People using certain decks win much more often.
My recent memory is fogged from all of my losses and built up frustration but I'm pretty sure all of my just three wins were against others using the default decks. The Ansei and Orgnum Decks are just straight overpowered.
3. This game is not about Skill whatsoever.
It's pure Luck, and knowledge of what the cards do. If both players know what the cards do then it's just straight luck of who gets what and when. Here's a moment where a relatively close game turned into just a massive slap in the face. You can tell the moment I just sat there for several seconds.
https://youtu.be/7fh5AmdzPGU4. Actually playing Tribute has made me feel like I never want to touch it again.
Playing against NPC A.I. will most likely be all I ever do from now on. It's humbling when you lose 43 - 45 to the Novice NPC. When I attempted the win against other players Daily, I played over a dozen matches, maybe 13 or 15 before I finally got three wins. Even then one of those wins, after we had reached "overtime" just devolved into one upping each other every hand, basically abusing the Duke of Crows, until finally,

I like the game for what it's trying to be, but what it ended up being is just another source of fuel if you want to log into ESO to become frustrated. I already know a LOT of the achievements will remain undone for me, and with just how slow you level up from playing matches against NPCs, it's gonna take me a very long time to do those Quests associated.