So I'm confused about the outfit station. I'm not sure where I got all these armor pieces - but I have about 40 pieces of each slot of Breton 1,2,3,4, Dark Elf 1,2,3,4 etc etc.
I thought the whole thing to do was "Bind" every thing you pick, up in dungeons etc - BLUE for sure? Does Green Gear BIND? - so you can use them later in Outfits? Apparently I'm confused about that.
After a dungeon or two I picked up a very nice piece of Light Wood Elf robe that looks very nice. In the outfit station I can dye it. I've bound it of course and am wearing it. Level 17.
But when I look in the outfit station to use it as part of my outfit - so I can continue to wear it after I pick up that next better piece of gear that looks like trash -
I CANNOT FIND it. Am I missing some tab or something that shows me dungeon gear in the Outfit station?
I thought the point of the Outfit station was the same as Glamour or Transmog that I've seen in every other game so that nice stuff you find out there you can wear at any time?
Can we fix my confusion please.
Where is my lovely Wood Elf Light Speaker's Robe in the outfit station?
;( thanks for fixing this confused noob.
Edited by ZOS_Icy on 6 January 2023 18:46