Are you
fascinated by the immense backdrop that consists of the Elder Scrolls? The history and geography of Tamriel? The political alliances that have developed over time? The traditions of the Daedra, the undead and the forgotten races of Nirn and how they affect the traditions of the second era? The exotic lore that provides a fount for narrative roleplaying and pedagogy? The scope, canonicity and contradictions that make up the study of the Elder Scrolls? Looking to sharpen your Antiquarian skills?
Are you a role-player, a writer, an actor, an antiquarian or academician or wish to become one IRL?
Care to explore new regions of Tamriel at a "story" pace, delving dungeons and augmenting quests with tailored events and unique content, all the while roleplaying in character?
If you answered "yes" to any of these then this is the guild for you!
Welcome to
The Lore Council, a small, casual but lore-friendly guild situated at the Antiquarian's Alpine Gallery in western Skyrim that does things differently than conventional guilds. We offer a forum and a stage for narrative roleplaying, lore study and antique research... through which ESO has provided the right storytelling tools and thankfully in no short supply! Join us in uncovering some of these secrets, pruned and practiced so that they honor the canon of the second era (The year of the Inferno Staff). In the meantime, you might discover a few secrets about the guild itself!

Our guild,
The Lore Council, promotes a well-balanced and inclusive group of like-minded players, enjoying an engaging and social environment. We gather in order to further address the "nits" of the immense Elder Scrolls lore and to share stories by delving into the immense scope that makes up Tamriel's story. You might be surprised what discussions spawn from other player's interpretations of Nirn's history! In short, The Lore Council provides a mixture of RP, PvE antiquarian questing and other events to keep things lively and interesting!
We have subject matter experts on board, but there is no pre-requisite for applying! Meaning, no prior experience or Tamriel lore expertise is necessary. A great means of keeping up with the lore and having fun while doing so! In addition, our Discord server provides an auxiliary means of promoting gameplay, personal journals, RP sessions, fiction and art... all outside of ESO, along with voice chat that is voluntary!
Feel free to message me here or
@Dementia5 in-game. Or simply look for us on the Guild Finder. Check out our Guild Discord (
under renovation, will return with an update!)
Discord Link:
For all you lore seekers, the finest roleplaying in Tamriel can be found at
The Lore Council.