Better graphics

I used to mod Skyrimh with some reshade overhaul mod, when I had my Windows computer, and it looked beautifully.

Do any of you know if any of the mods for eso will work on mac ?

I have checked a few from nexusmods, but they are all .exe files or solely descriped as Windows compatible.
  • Aetnaria
    Are you referring to mods for Skyrim or add-ons for Elder Scrolls Online? Because there are many add-ons for ESO that work on both PC and Mac (TTC is the only one I know of that doesn't because data updates require a separate program running alongside it that they've only coded for PC). I have not looked into any reshaders however.
    Edited by Aetnaria on 26 October 2022 01:41
  • Liliumme
    Aetnaria wrote: »
    TTC is the only one I know of that doesn't because data updates require a separate program running alongside it that they've only coded for PC

    Apple Silicon user here, running TTC :) Just get the 'TTC mac' app and it'll function the same as the executable for the PC version:

    I do remember however that it was fiddly to launch initially due to being an unidentified developer app, however there's a workaround for that too -

    All other mods I've used have worked without any further effort on my part, I use Minion to download and manage them all! Hope that helps.
  • Liliumme
    I should however add that I'm yet to find a reshader type app for Mac users, all the addons have just been the usual map pins, countdown timers etc etc.
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