Had what I thought was a normal game where I won, I think it was like 44-25. Wasn't even an Orgnums deck duel.
I start getting messages from them, saying the game was unfair, though they had no proof. I told them I wasn't going to argue with a sore loser, and good luck with their next game. They proceed to tell me they were going to report me to be happy for the night.
I've maxed out ToT, gotten every title, I'm a fairly competent player. I don't want to, have a need to, or a desire to ever cheat. I told them we literally both use the same cards, what was he thinking? And they stopped responding.
Is this common? Can you even cheat? What the heck kind of player did I run into???
Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA.
@Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!