Just make it simple, make it so you lose no dura unless you die, and also not lower our armor from dura decay, this effects tanks, I don't see dps losing damage or crit with they have armor dura decay, a tanks armor is there form of dps if you know what I mean.
I don't even want to tank dungs anymore because I am scared of going broke (gold wise), as a tank my gear and pockets are broke due to the massive amounts of damage I take tanking ontop of dying, the last few times I joined a dung I went dps and we all gave the tank some gold to help because we knew how bad it is to tank vs dps in terms of repair bills.
So in sort:
1. Remove the dura decay from taking damage, or you will have no tanks in the future.
2. Remove the loss of armor upon dying, armor is to tanks as damage is to DPS.
Edited by t.claudio.usnub18_ESO on 30 April 2014 17:51