T.o.T. Hearthstone?

Have there been any Tales of Tribute, houseguest NPC's or a game board you can purchase for your home?
e.g. A ToT table you could set up in house to play a specific player/visitor? The crown store, interactable, NPC houseguests that you could challenge in your home?
"Jyggalag's forces are gathering in the Fringe...And I HATE IT when people gather forces in my Fringes!" - Sheogorath
  • Rooatouille
    There are some furnishings you unlock by completing the quest line associated, but they don't sound like anything you describe here. There are trophies for ranked season rewards, a display item, a tales of tribute display table, and you can unlock Brahgas, but you can't play against him, just talk to him and put in your home like any other houseguest. You can always challenge other players in your own home, though, that's how my ToT guild does its tournaments.
  • DinoZavr
    This is how it might look like
    (i have made a ToT corner in one of my houses)


    Sitting at ToT table does not automatically involves participating in a card game
    (as you receive only a table, but not the chairs) B)
    And, no, houseguest do not play ToT even Bragas.
    PC EU
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