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Console overheating/shutting off while playing ESO

Is anyone else having this issue ? I play on PS5 and Eso is the only game that shuts my console off or overheats it. Hopefully this gets looked into because it is definitely the game causing this
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on 22 August 2022 22:02
  • NordSwordnBoard
    nb_rich wrote: »
    Is anyone else having this issue ? I play on PS5 and Eso is the only game that shuts my console off or overheats it. Hopefully this gets looked into because it is definitely the game causing this

    I only ever got that on a PS4 with one foot in the grave. I don't have any heavy fanning or heat on PS5 now.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • nb_rich
    nb_rich wrote: »
    Is anyone else having this issue ? I play on PS5 and Eso is the only game that shuts my console off or overheats it. Hopefully this gets looked into because it is definitely the game causing this

    I only ever got that on a PS4 with one foot in the grave. I don't have any heavy fanning or heat on PS5 now.

    Its funny because on PS4 I have no issues ever but on PS5 have major issues. I feel like its the console enhanced version. I might try to download the ps4 version and give it a try. Because you mentioned PS4 i thought of this so thank you
  • ArgonianAustin
    Ive had this happen too, not sure about the over heating, but supposedly ps5 will shut off while playing games optimized for ps5 or ps5 games, but only if enough dust has collected in your ps5, i watched a youtube video of how to open the plastic sides of the ps5 and i used the hose on a vaccum and got it all and my ps5 hasnt shut off since.
    Just a Lizard Man that plays ESO with my twin brother khajiit_kyle
  • nb_rich
    Ive had this happen too, not sure about the over heating, but supposedly ps5 will shut off while playing games optimized for ps5 or ps5 games, but only if enough dust has collected in your ps5, i watched a youtube video of how to open the plastic sides of the ps5 and i used the hose on a vaccum and got it all and my ps5 hasnt shut off since.

    It shuts off on me but when i feel the back of my ps5 its super hot but only when i play Eso ps5 version. I play other ps5 games/versions of games all the time sometimes all day and have no problems but with eso i have to put a fan behind my ps5 literally or else my console shuts off. Im downloading the ps4 version right now to see if it causes the same problems.

    I clean my console consistently because I thought this was the issue but at this point im convinced its the game for sure.

    Hopefully it stops if i play the ps4 version and hopefully it also reads my buttons on time since on the ps5 version it does not read the buttons you press fast enough. I will update everyone if i find success
  • Raammzzaa
    I play on an Xbox Series X, and it is very noticeable how much more heat is coming from the fan while playing ESO vs anything else. I had to reorient the console to maximize hot air flow out into the room. That said, I have not had the system shut off, but multiple controllers would disconnect while playing prior to reorienting to reduce heat as much as possible.
  • nb_rich
    I just tried to download the ps4 version on my ps5 but the graphics and load speed is horrible so i deleted it lol. Just have to stick to keeping a fan by my ps5 when playing. Not much for me to do on eso any more anyways unless its a vet trials. It sucks though when im in a trial and my system shuts down on me.
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_Bill

    Have you tried contacting Playstation Support regarding your overheating console?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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