In Skyrim there was a spell book known as Transmute Mineral ore which would transmute Iron into Silver, Silver into Gold.
In ESO most of us crafters will have tens of thousand of Iron, & Steel, & Orichalcum, etc, That will never be used as is.
So my suggestion is an option to transmute materials into a higher version, Iron into Steel, Steel into Orichalcum, All the way up to Rubedite.
Alternatively just transmuting any mat to its highest form would be an easier option, and would save on crystals.
To balance it, it'd probably have to cost transmutes. Transmute X amount of material for X amount of crystals.
I'd prefer a complete rework of the crafting mat system, especially CP mats which we no longer need so many for.
But a rework likely has other issues tied to it, such as armour set spawns / old gear already picked up.
So instead, I suggest this.
What do other crafters think?
One problem is probably the Transmutes, while some have too many, other's not enough. The cost would be important too for how many materials are transmuted each time.
While things can stay the same as they are, I'd prefer some good changes as many materials serve no purpose anymore.
174 characters and counting over 13 accounts.
120 writ certified. 73 at CP rank.