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How To RP A Redguard Dragonknight?

Hey all,

I'm an avid Redguard player in all of TES games I've played. I'm having trouble squaring away a DK in ESO with that fantasy though due to the fact that my Redguards tend to eschew magic and I'm hard-pressed to find any abilities that don't rely on magicka and/or have a magical bent in some way.

How do Redguard RP'ers get around this? Will there eventually be stam-based morphs for most of these skills?
  • kaushad
    There's a quest in Dragonborn in which the player character is sent to find a book about Redguard magic. That alone demonstrates that Redguards don't entirely eschew magic. To be honest, I don't remember where the Redguard aversion to magic was originally written. You might consider following the example of Trayvond the Redguard; none the magic of which he disapproves is used by Dragonknights. In point of fact, the skill bonuses assigned to Redguards in TESV functionally overlap with Dragonknight magic, although TESV racial skill bonuses are pretty mixed up.
  • Bruccius
    Redguards are generally fine with restoration and destruction magic, but from what I remember they typically seriously draw the line at necromancy, summoning, and illusion magic, because they aren't too fond of tampering with people's mind, working with Daedra and certainly not fond of raising the dead.

    So for you Dragonknight? Wouldn't worry too much about it.
  • Quenzar
    Thanks for the info!
  • Mascen
    Depends on how much you want to balance the Yokudan and Akaviri influences. Remember, an Ansei's Shehai is technically a form of spirit/soul magic much like the Thuum of the Nords. Theres also the Akaviri kiai we know little about but is apparently near identical to the Thuum.

    Beyond the magic aspects, heavy emphasis on swords. So either dual wield or 2h. Aesthetically you could go for a mix of Ancestral Akaviri, Honor Guard, Tsascei, Akaviri Potenate and soul shriven swords with Yokudan, Ra Gada, Pyre Watch, Celestial, and Redguard outfit styles depending on your tastes. Find a blend that works for you.
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    I happened to do a quest recently with a redguard mage, so I just want to add this non-spoiler dialogue from the quest. Adeena is in trouble, and her sister, Izzara the mage, is recruited by Najan to help:
    Player: You say she's a mage?
    NPC: "Yes. We Redguards take care to avoid magic, but Izzara was never ashamed. She studied long and long in both Daggerfall and Wayrest. She's a true sorcerer.
    Her and Adeena both have magic in their blood. Adeena is just better at hiding it."

    Certainly implies some prejudice or other-ness to mages in Hammerfell, that mages have to decide how to respond and adapt to. One sister keeps it a secret, the other leaves and becomes very talented, returning home when she's needed for her abilities.

    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • Stncold
    Quenzar wrote: »
    Hey all,

    I'm an avid Redguard player in all of TES games I've played. I'm having trouble squaring away a DK in ESO with that fantasy though due to the fact that my Redguards tend to eschew magic and I'm hard-pressed to find any abilities that don't rely on magicka and/or have a magical bent in some way.

    How do Redguard RP'ers get around this? Will there eventually be stam-based morphs for most of these skills?

    If you're talking a literal roleplaying sense, most RP'ers don't follow class 1:1 for their actual character. Especially because ESO has just really meh classes in general from an RP perspective. People in general just treat them more like a guideline for something similar to how their character works.
    Every class uses magic in some way or another, but I'd wager most RP characters don't. You can have your character fight in a charge in brawl it out way like DK's do, but not use magic or all the crazy akaviri stuff that DK's do.
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