masterdtox wrote: »zanimax u where not prepared!, Fix this already it is out of hand 90% of the emporers are abusing this broken bugged mechanics!
knaveofengland wrote: »we all have a winge and a moan after you had it don't you feel better for it ,
the game is new things take time, we can just say wave a wand like harry potter and presto its fixed ,well get real things do take time have to be tested something put in its place, so please be patient things really do take time
knaveofengland wrote: »we all have a winge and a moan after you had it don't you feel better for it ,
the game is new things take time, we can just say wave a wand like harry potter and presto its fixed ,well get real things do take time have to be tested something put in its place, so please be patient things really do take time
Fixing things takes time in beta. No one wants to pay for beta. I have no patience with a company that pushes out a game with a ton of known issues. This is no different than a company rolling out a defective car, or phone, or computer. The state of this game is inexcusable.
Yeah just us TES fools will stay and play with this toy. There are a few of us though.masterdtox wrote: »knaveofengland wrote: »we all have a winge and a moan after you had it don't you feel better for it ,
the game is new things take time, we can just say wave a wand like harry potter and presto its fixed ,well get real things do take time have to be tested something put in its place, so please be patient things really do take time
Fixing things takes time in beta. No one wants to pay for beta. I have no patience with a company that pushes out a game with a ton of known issues. This is no different than a company rolling out a defective car, or phone, or computer. The state of this game is inexcusable.
U totally right, there are no excuses. This game is a total failure, its done, it is just done end of story. Wildstar / Arche Age / New wow EXP will rip this game into peaces.
Only ES fans will stay, pay for a broken bad designed game and will stay till the end till the game goes F2p or just dies. Thats the fact if u don't believe it then, well its fine no one will care of those ES fans who stays or not. But trust me zanimax will care..when it is to late and by that time the game is just nothing worth anymore totally.
He is saying that it is easy to get emperor status by abusing this cheat.
masterdtox wrote: »knaveofengland wrote: »we all have a winge and a moan after you had it don't you feel better for it ,
the game is new things take time, we can just say wave a wand like harry potter and presto its fixed ,well get real things do take time have to be tested something put in its place, so please be patient things really do take time
Fixing things takes time in beta. No one wants to pay for beta. I have no patience with a company that pushes out a game with a ton of known issues. This is no different than a company rolling out a defective car, or phone, or computer. The state of this game is inexcusable.
U totally right, there are no excuses. This game is a total failure, its done, it is just done end of story. Wildstar / Arche Age / New wow EXP will rip this game into peaces.
Only ES fans will stay, pay for a broken bad designed game and will stay till the end till the game goes F2p or just dies. Thats the fact if u don't believe it then, well its fine no one will care of those ES fans who stays or not. But trust me zanimax will care..when it is to late and by that time the game is just nothing worth anymore totally.
dannmargie85b14_ESO wrote: »its a cheat , and your a cheater , period!!could you have done it without it?
well, try it and find out.
and the few of you saying that the game is done , a piece of *** and has no chance , then leave, no need to hang around here, you have better things to do , right?
dannmargie85b14_ESO wrote: »its a cheat , and your a cheater , period!!could you have done it without it?
well, try it and find out.
and the few of you saying that the game is done , a piece of *** and has no chance , then leave, no need to hang around here, you have better things to do , right?
You misunderstood that I got Emperor without even being a vampire. Find a better trolling punchline next time.