Well this is my last option. I'm pinned down here and can't do anything further and can't get the next area locked up either without doing this.
This is the quest "To walk on far shores" and to kill Septima Tharn. I don't have any problems handling the lady herself and can manage quite nicely. The major problem I have is the add portion. I can't for the love of it get past here, mostly because I have 3-4 archers standing around, doing around 240 points of damage each. I have 1945 health but still it's not enough, I get more or less one hit at this stage.
I've tried a variaty of combinations of self-healing, AoEing, mitigation, armour buffs, health potions etc etc. It all helps well, until I come up against the archers. Then it's only a matter of seconds before I'm dead.
So anyone have any help on this one? It's on the point where I'm contemplating whether or not I should find out how much force a cellphone can generate when it hits the wall