Well, you might wanna try checking in this related section: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pc-technical-support .... Otherwise, yes it's a "known issue" that's been happening with every player in every MMO since the wonderful interwebs first beganYesterday my characters were dropped from the NA server back to the login screen multiple times, usually with the can't connect error message, and it happened again this morning. All my other apps had no problems connecting to the internet. My characters usually were in zones that were not crowded with players.
Is this a known issue that is happening to other players?
NeeScrolls wrote: »Well, you might wanna try checking in this related section: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pc-technical-support .... Otherwise, yes it's a "known issue" that's been happening with every player in every MMO since the wonderful interwebs first beganYesterday my characters were dropped from the NA server back to the login screen multiple times, usually with the can't connect error message, and it happened again this morning. All my other apps had no problems connecting to the internet. My characters usually were in zones that were not crowded with players.
Is this a known issue that is happening to other players?
But anyways, for ESO, if it really isn't just your particular personal ISP , it usually happens when players are:
-- Crafting motionless (no *spacebar jumping* to let server know you aren't AFK ) ...or....
-- playing within high densely populated areas ( like Cyrodiil PVP or new content crowded hubs )
-- or because of the mistaken "you have reached message limit" situation. (assuming not actually running macros)
-- or maybe even due to certain Add-ons/Game-mods . ( if you're using any? )
-- or possibly if you're trying to run multiple clients at once? (or alt-tabbing a lot out of the game )
Do you recall what the exact error message was? And do you remember what exact game activity each of your characters were doing? Was it an Error 334 "lost lobby connection" ? And was it while swapping between characters?
Details & specifics are very important.
It just did it again, saying "Connection to the server timed out."
And again with "Unable to connect.".
Again: "An error has occurred"
i suggest you do the following: First, check with your ISP and/or personal internet setup ( WiFi , router, firewalls, location, crash-logs, etc. etc., etc. ) .... And secondly, try searching/contacting 'ESO Support' : https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app ... and maybe see if they can go troubleshooting & debugging with ya in a more official capacity.Same error again,