Account Sys Maint

So does this mean that the game wont open from launcher at all? I hit play nothing happens. Before making unnecessary post, I go to the Maint section of the forums and guess what, nothing up to date about the maintenance that is currently happening.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on 20 June 2022 22:53
  • Maitsukas
    Account System maintenance means you won't be able to use the website to login. This also makes you unable to purchase any additional items from the ESO Store.
    PC-EU @maitsukas

    Posting the Infinite Archive and Imperial City Weekly Vendor updates.

    Also trying out new Main Quests, Companions, ToT decks, Events and Styles on PTS.
  • Tandor
    What platform are you on, OP? All console servers were down for maintenance earlier, as announced in the usual way, was that your problem rather than the ESO Store amd Account System maintenance? Both PC servers have been running as normal today, I've been on both without any issues.
  • phil.maricel08ub17_ESO
    Im on PC NA, even now my launcher wont open the game and I just got home from work. Everything worked fine last night smh.
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    I think this kind of maintenance means if you're already logged in to the game when it starts, you can continue playing, as per this ZOS post in another thread:
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • proprio.meb16_ESO
    Game still works during store and account system maintenance, it always do.

    Every time its scheduled, a thread like this pops out... zos should somehow improve wording of that line. Its guaranteed it will worry someone every time.
    Edited by proprio.meb16_ESO on 9 June 2022 10:13
  • ZOS_Bill

    If the game will not launch after clicking Play in the launcher, there are a few troubleshooting steps below that may help.

    Create an Anti-virus or Firewall Exception for ESO

    Each antivirus program is different and we recommend that you view the antivirus developer's website for full instructions on how to add exceptions.

    The application files that may require exceptions are:
    • Bethesda.net_launcher: C:\Program Files (x86)\ZenimaxOnline\Launcher
    • ESO.exe: C:\Program Files (x86)\ZenimaxOnline\The Elder Scrolls Online\game\client\eso.exe
    • Steam.exe: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe

    Some antivirus programs require entire folders to be selected instead of a single file.When this is the case, the file paths below are what you should use. If required by the anti-virus program, include all subfolders since every file is critical to run the game.
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\

    Repair the ESO Launcher
    1. Open The Elder Scrolls Online Launcher by right-clicking on the icon on the desktop and selecting Run as Administrator.
    2. Wait for the launcher to open completely.
    3. If multiple ESO clients are installed and available through the launcher, make sure you have the correct version highlighted by clicking on it once.
    4. Open the Game Options dropdown menu and click on the option for Repair.
    5. Allow the launcher to examine all the files for the game. This may take some time.
    6. If any files are found to have problems, the launcher will re-download those files.

    Delete the Program Data
    1. Close the ESO Launcher.
    2. Navigate to the patch installation folder,
    3. By default, this folder will be located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\Launcher\ProgramData.
    4. Locate and delete the ProgramData folder.
    5. Restart the ESO Launcher.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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