I'm not familiar with this set collection system using transmute crystals. So my understanding is that the collected gear are account-wide meaning if my pre-50 character finds and collects some items they unlock for my account.
BUT, do I need to level crafting on every single character to research every single trait if I want all my characters to be able to craft that collected gear? Or can I just have my dedicated crafter toon make them and put them in the bank?
I just watched a YouTube video that says the character wishing to craft a collected item has to have the trait unlocked. That's going to take me MONTHS if not well over a YEAR to get every one of my toons leveled up in the crafting trees and all traits researched.
I'm hoping I misinterpreted that and he left out that you can use your dedicated crafter to craft them, so you don't have to research everything on every character, because wow wtf if every character needs everything researched.
Edited by Holycannoli on 22 May 2022 19:01