Is there any quest where you need to craft something...

using crafting station? Outside of crafting tutorials/dailies of course. Just wondering.
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    I recall a quest (or two?) in Western Skyrim where I was supposed to cook something. I was pretty unimpressed at the time, because I joined ESO to do quests and save the world, not be a chef! :)
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • votan73
    In Wrothgar and Clockwork-City for each zone is a quest to get recipes as final rewards.
    Wrothgar a bit east from the center.
    CWC: Thieves den in the room to the right side.
    But you do not use the crafting station yourself. So I don't know if you asking for that.
    Edited by votan73 on 16 May 2022 08:03
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