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DK ability Firey grip being used to grief players

The DK skill “fiery grip” is being used to grief other players, very often deliberately.

Players with this ability are pulling mobs off players that are already engaged in combat, forcing the player to run after the mob in question if they want to continue fighting. Numerous times, I have had players use this ability on npc’s I am already engaged in combat with, many, even after I have asked them to stop.

There is no valid reason that this ability should pull a mob from a random player that is already in combat, it should be stopped from doing so. It may have applications for off tanks and group play, but it is nothing more than deliberate griefing when used against random players.

Why should I, or anyone else, have the flow of our game play interrupted because of the ignorance of others. I should not even have to stop play to message them, let alone waste time reporting them if they continue. The issue should not arise in the first place, it should have been obvious from the outset that some players would chose to use the ability in this way, and frankly, I am sick of it.
Regards Hexcaliber.
  • D34thly
    Whats the problem here? If your already beating on the mob then player using this ability is just helping you.
    Blacklist DC NA
    Iron Lotus DC NA
  • InfernoRaven
    Yeah as long as you have dealt dmg to the mob you receive full XP along with personalized loot, you don't compete with them. Them pulling a mob off of you and finishing it for you leads to nothing but you getting rewarded faster. Now if they were pulling it to stop you from hitting it repeatedly I could call that griefing.
  • Zargorius
    Slot a gap closer if you're really hell-bent on getting the final blow yourself. I imagine it can be annoying but it's a MMO, you can't avoid it. There are far worse ways to grief people, forunately there is no player collision detection ... but the sorcerer twilight pets for example are extremely annoying at the crafting stations.
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • Axer
    Since you actaully still get full xp and loot, and that ability counts as taunt..

    You could just ignore it and let him finish it off (or die trying).

    But yea, still a bit annoying as youd have to turn around to loot.

    Don't think theres a fair solution other then running instanced content with non jerks.
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • liquid_wolf
    You get full xp and loot from the mob he pulls off.

    At this point, let him take the mob and you move onto the next. You can loot once he is done with it.
  • Belrim
    Yeh, i know this skill can annoy some players a lot. Personally dont use it if i see other people already engaged some mobs, unless the player is running low on health.

    I prefer the charge-skill (dont remember name, makes me leap to the target fast) over the grip anyway.
    Early bird gets the worm, but second mouse gets the cheese.
  • Anzo
    OP is probably a botter and someone is griefing his bot. End thread.
  • pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO
    Zargorius wrote: »
    ... but the sorcerer twilight pets for example are extremely annoying at the crafting stations.

    Oh yeah... that horrible-horrible sound over and over while I try to craft some stuff... I should start reporting sorcerers for griefing :sunglasses:

    "Do you want the book or not? Then go whack some people with Wabbajack!!"
  • GambitJ79b14_ESO
    I understand what the OP is saying as people have done that to me... a lot. I've had a guy try and troll me because I unlocked a chest and he was waiting for me to fail, but I just waited and didn't loot while he stood there spamming his use key, instead of moving on he took that personal cause I wasted his time as he didn't know if I failed or not until it was obvious. Well he followed me around after that, him being a much higher level he could pretty much 1-shot these mobs and was pretty good at keeping me from looting them. Best thing to do is travel to a new area, they can't follow you.

    But on the other hand it does have some good uses, I've used it to save people who were about to die. I appreciate it when others do the same for me when I get too big of mob gathered. It does take some apathy and group thinking to be able to discern when and when not to use that ability.
    Edited by GambitJ79b14_ESO on 1 May 2014 07:56
  • Wolfborn
    Hexcaliber wrote: »
    The DK skill “fiery grip” is being used to grief other players, very often deliberately.

    Players with this ability are pulling mobs off players that are already engaged in combat, forcing the player to run after the mob in question if they want to continue fighting. Numerous times, I have had players use this ability on npc’s I am already engaged in combat with, many, even after I have asked them to stop.

    There is no valid reason that this ability should pull a mob from a random player that is already in combat, it should be stopped from doing so. It may have applications for off tanks and group play, but it is nothing more than deliberate griefing when used against random players.

    Why should I, or anyone else, have the flow of our game play interrupted because of the ignorance of others. I should not even have to stop play to message them, let alone waste time reporting them if they continue. The issue should not arise in the first place, it should have been obvious from the outset that some players would chose to use the ability in this way, and frankly, I am sick of it.

    Haha, you seriously have to be kidding ?
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