Hi all,
just read in the patch notes..
Anchors from the Harbour: Doshia has had her powers reduced.
It was a tough fight but a doable one! You just needed to attack her at first and then destroy all the spheres moving all the time away from the red regions!
It was not a quest for a level 8 player, but I waited until level 11 and then I killed her at the first attempt! To have Gutsripper and Doshia as challenges for our solo experience was a really nice thing!!
Now if you level down everything that people complain about the game will just be too simple... It is a MMO in an Elder Scrolls environment! This mean you can choose to not do everything and you can choose to wait for a quest and come back when you are powerful enough!
This strategy of choice abouth feeling the freedom of making the quests you prefer is reduced if the bosses are watered down.