UI Brightness Slider for Consoles + OLEDS

Soul Shriven
Apologies if this has come up before, I've searched and searched the web but can only find the usual grumbles about game brightness and HDR.

I want to play the game on my PS5 with my PSN friends. My first impression was how extraordinarily bright the UI is, and it's causing me concerns about OLED burn-in (LG CX), were I to spend a lot of time in the game. It is for example considerably brighter than the logo's on my Sports TV channels. It's almost like the problem that occurs with some XSX games when you enable auto-HDR and certain UI elements get set to max or very high HDR brightness.

I had similar concerns with Cyberpunk on my XSX with its broken HDR implementation, and lowered the UI brightness so it was just about visible. I've been desperately searching the menu's in console TESO but can't find any such option? Just game brightness and HDR brightness, but that seems to change the entire image, which I don't want to do.

Am I missing something? Or is there no such option? If so, will a UI brightness slider be introduced?
    You should be able to turn down the HDR brightness in the UI.
  • garyjwoodruffeb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    JARTHEGREY wrote: »
    You should be able to turn down the HDR brightness in the UI.

    Hiya yup I've had a play with that, but it seems to adjust the entire image?

    That would indeed provide some protection against burn-in, albeit just a modicum as its effect isn't dramatic in my experience. It is also self-defeating in that it mutes the HDR image. I might as well just disable HDR at console level.

    Whereas a discreet UI slider in games still allows bright highlights for those temporary non-static effects such as when you look at the sun, but reduces the brightness of those persistent static on-screen elements that don't move.

    This is naturally a non-issue in the PC world due to minimal OLED use, and until recently the screens were unaffordable to most console users. That's a rapidly changing situation and UI brightness sliders, or smart UI's with lower levels of persistence, are becoming essential in games that make large time demands of players.
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