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Returning player

Hi, sorry if this has been asked before, will go through the other threads as i get time:

I will probl take my time soloing as much as possible, but in the long run i intend to do pvp. Can i get competitive by making my own/buying gear, or must i do the trials/raids to get best stats?

I plan to play as a necro, though Im not sure what route is "best" in terms of pvp in the end. Maybe just go a magica build? Tho i see some tank builds also looking tempting, at least for lvling.
  • Nacario
    A followup question, i bought the collectors edition which gave an outfit or costume, how do I equip it? I went to the collections tab where outfits are but i can only preview them, how do i make it so that i can wear it? Or is there a full set i can wear in a different tab, ontop of my gear? TY for any help
  • El_Borracho
    As for the first question, yes there are multiple craftable sets that will make you competitive in PVP. Additionally, there are many sets you can buy from guild traders that will also make you competitive. But in order to get monster helmet sets or antiquities, you will need to do PVE.

    As for the magicka necro in PVP, I can't give you an answer as to how good they currently are. Last time I checked, sorcs were ruling the world in Cyrodiil but people have started to complain about gankers again. Who knows. Go with what works for you.

    Second question, the outfits should be separated into what you have collected and what you have not. Sounds like it has not been collected yet. You might have to go to the crown store to get the item, especially if they gave you a code to purchase the item. Alternatively, it could list the price as free in the crown store.
  • Fennwitty
    Collectors Editions sometimes give Costumes or they can also give Outfit Styles.

    Outfit Styles are applied at Outfit Stations in the world to your Outfit Slot. Outfit Slots are like skins that sit over your equipped gear to make them look different.

    All characters start with 1 free outfit slot. More can be bought with crowns.
    PC NA
  • fred4
    Nacario wrote: »
    I will probl take my time soloing as much as possible, but in the long run i intend to do pvp. Can i get competitive by making my own/buying gear, or must i do the trials/raids to get best stats?
    As a rule trial sets, that is sets you obtain from participating in 12-man trials, are only useful for PvE. You can be competitive in PvP using only crafted and / or tradeable (overland) sets. However you will probably want the following items long term:
    • A 2-piece monster set or a single piece thereof, which comes from running 4-man dungeons in Veteran mode. You can also buy pieces from "The Golden" vendor at the Cyrodiil base every weekend, though she only carries 2 random pieces per weekend that you may or may not want.
    • The Undaunted Mettle passive that comes from running 4-man dungeons.
    • Mythic pieces that come from the Antiquities system, notably Wild Hunt, Malacath, Death-Dealer's Fete, Pale Order depending on build. Sooner or later you will want to play around with these.
    • Arena weapons that come from the 4-man and solo arenas in both normal and veteran modes, as well as the Asylum Sanctorium 12-man mini trial. These are optional. It depends on your build.
    • The Mage's guild skill line, if you play a magicka build.
    • The Fighter's guild skill line, primarily if you play a stamina build.
    • The Psijic skill line, primarily for the Race Against Time skill and the Temporal Guard backbar ultimate (optional).
    • The Medicinal Use passive from the Alchemy skill line.
    • Armor set(s) from 4-man dungeons that you may prefer to what you can craft or buy (optional). As a rule these are not more powerful, but they may do something specific you want for your build.
    I plan to play as a necro, though Im not sure what route is "best" in terms of pvp in the end.
    If you PvP solo or in small groups, stamina builds perform better relative to their magicka variants with the exception of magsorc and possibly magplar. If you play in larger groups it shifts to a more even balance. In general stamina builds tend to be rounded fighters, whereas magicka builds have more (group) utility or excel at special purposes, such as bombing. If you want to play a healer you will also very likely be a magicka build.

    A well-played necro tends to be tanky by means of very good self healing in PvP. Magicka necros had their place in the sun in previous patches via a self-synergy skill that basically AOE bombs people. The contributing factors that made this especially strong, however, first the Harmony jewelry trait and later the Dark Convergence set, have been nerfed. I don't play the class and don't know where it's at now.
    Maybe just go a magica build?
    Leveling and endgame are different. You can always respec from one to the other, although your race may favor either magicka or stamina. Magicka specs often level more easily, because you tend to unlock self-healing skills earlier or you gain passive sources of off-healing. I don't know whether this is true for necro, though. If you go the stamina route, enter Cyrodiil and do the intro quest. No need to PvP. You will obtain a stamina self-healing skill called "Vigor", which you probably want.
    Tho i see some tank builds also looking tempting, at least for lvling.
    Nope. I would not level as a tank. You need to kill stuff and your aim is to heal while doing so. Questing / overland content is also so easy, you don't need to be a tank. Down the line, the role of a tank in PvP is either a group role or that of a troll. Being a PvP troll tank that "can't be killed" is not all that easy, but you will always be killed eventually and do little killing yourself. If you get a kick out of how long you can hold out against players swarming you, fair enough. You may have trouble with NPCs that you can only kill very slowly, though. NPCs in Imperial City and some parts of Cyrodiil are a nuisance as a (pure) tank. If you look at experienced players surviving against multiple opponents in PvP, they are almost never an outright tank. They just know how to play. Line of sight, e.g. using obstacles to your advantage, is the #1 survival tool for classes that lack mobility, such as necro. They may build somewhat tanky, but they aren't tanks as such and even squishy builds can survive via LoS.

    Of course there is one good reason to be a tank, once you've reached CP160 - the gear cap - and you want to earn some more CP and round out your skill lines. Queuing for dungeons as a tank in Group Finder is almost guaranteed to get you a dungeon straight away, because tanks are always in demand.
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • etchedpixels
    fred4 wrote: »
    Nope. I would not level as a tank.

    It's a very good way to fill out the gear sets and crafting skills fast. You just queue back to back for dungeons and tank them.

    If the goal is to enjoy the game, not just grind a PvP toon though I would agree. I would strongly suggest making battlegrounds part of your under level 50 experience. The < 50 BGs are a bit more forgiving and a good chance to learn PvP skills without being steamrollered by expert four man BG teams co-ordinating on discord and all wearing complementary meta gear 8)

    Depending on the play time you have there is also some sense in making 2 or 3 characters to begin with. Try some of the different roles, target all the crafting on one, do crafting on each one, get horse riding skills up on them. Essentially there are a bunch of high return things that are per toon not per account (crafting, random daily dungeon, daily battleground). Multiple toons is also useful because if you find you've got one you don't like to play much you can focus the crafting on it, and use it as a storage box.

    Too many toons not enough time
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