Instead of destroying the game with AOE cap, fix the laggy weapon swap and clunky combat abilities!


Everyone I know complains about how dreadful the weapon swapping is at the moment, its nowhere as snappy as in GW2 or other similar mmos. It feels very slow, unresponsive, *unpredictable*, and laggy. It ruins combat.

I know many in my guild quit over it, they just hated the clunky combat with laggy animations and swapping.

THIS is what you need to fix! Not ruin your game and destroy AOE and pvp completely (how can you NOT see that mist form, escape bolt, vampire ultimate and ultimate cost reduction is the REAL problem here?!)

Listen to your customers please.
Edited by monkeymystic on 27 April 2014 11:48
  • Gilvoth
    agreed, my weapon swap is not instant and anger me at critcal moments when it's iether weapon swap or death in both pvp and pve.
  • Oblongship
    The whole dang ability lag needs fixing!

    Not to mention lag in pvp in general...I was sitting behind a house randomly died...3 seconds later a mage comes running form the other side...

    Lower the dang caps.
  • monkeymystic
    I wonder how much longer they will ignore the clunky combat and weapon swap lag, and then more people will cancel subscriptions and quit. I dont even want to think about the console market..The console market will HATE the clunky combat and dont even bother trying it out.
  • Devotion
    Realistically you can't use 2 weapon sets in PvP because of how broken it is. Unless you have a few seconds to kill.
  • Lexander
    thats what happens when u are in rush to grab the cash for the game and release something unfinished which had to stay in development for at least 1 year more
  • monkeymystic
    Yeah this is something they should have fixed during beta. The combat feels unfinished and in a beta stage. Clunky and laggy, and impossible to do competitive pvp or pve with a clunky combatsystem like this.

    Trials will become a joke when combat and weapon swap is clunky and laggy.
  • Thechemicals
    The clunkyness was known and told to us before release. During the convention release demo- they said it has that clunky skyrim feel. The weapon swap i think should have a delay. There are far too many players in this zerg vs zerg for a insta swap.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Najarati
    Oh, dear Lord yes. Please fix the lag when swapping weapons. I've made multiple feedback tickets regarding this issue both during and after beta. As it currently stands, weapon swapping is horribly unreliable and has resulted in me dying more often than not as I struggle to get the game to comply.
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