So on a different character I completed all of the dark brotherhood/thieves guild/psijic order/fighters/mages guild quest lines and can on my alt purchase those skill lines from the store. I know that grants me access to all the skills (obviously) but my question is: Does that in any way affect the things that get unlocked via doing the story quests themselves? Like with the thieves guild and fencing stuff. I guess I'm wondering if I can just skip those quest lines I don't want to repeat and just buy the skill lines instead and still get the benefits as if I re-did the quest line, or do I still have to repeat the full quest line to take advantage of any other unlocks they grant (that aren't skill related)? It's been 4 years so I actually don't even recall if you unlock anything besides the skill lines themselves or if there's additional benefits that can only be obtained by progressing the quests that wouldn't get unlocked by just simply purchasing the skill lines in the shop.
Edited by architekt on 3 November 2021 18:36