Need a Zenimax employee to check this viable threat of life please...

# 210914-001475 (Ticket number)

I've submitted picture proof from a "botfarmer" that actually, I believe, threatened the life of a family member...
  • InaMoonlight
    @ZOS_Kevin, @ZOS_GinaBruno

    Well thats a fresh approach you might wanna look into guys, unless it wasn't a botter, but a reg player with a bad temper lagging with multiple accounts :D
    Edit = Typos ... as usual. <;D
  • Rittings
    Definitely a botter... he (or she) has 7 bots set up in The Lion's Den in The Rift... camping nodes.
  • InaMoonlight
    Rittings wrote: »
    Definitely a botter... he (or she) has 7 bots set up in The Lion's Den in The Rift... camping nodes.

    Sounds like it, but rarely do they have such a bad temper, this one needs to go at a faster rate. I usually get them to ragemove. I farm too at times, warden wings, ring of wild hunt and another few helpers, and you can have the fun of them trying to race you to nodes on their hijacked chars, loose... and eventually ragequit and as you just stand there, individual botters in the near area, just vanishes cause like seven were theirs...

    It felt good, I have to admit *snortgrin*

    Botter-troller should be a rewarding thing/achivement :D
    Edit = Typos ... as usual. <;D
  • ZOS_Adrikoth
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention @Rittings. We have passed this along to the appropriate team for investigation.
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  • Rittings
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention @Rittings. We have passed this along to the appropriate team for investigation.

    Thank you @ZOS_Adrikoth. I appreciate that. Never nice when a member of your family is threatened.
  • Rittings
    The bots in The Lion's Den btw... all did a weird thing was I was observing them. They all spoke the same thing in zone chat... and all of them used the number "2" repeatedly... before all of them instantly, and simultaneously, travelled out and disappeared...

    Same thing in Bleakrock about 5 minutes later.
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