Looking for ambitious players with a hunger for improvement.

We are beginning a new roster for Veteran RockGrove Hardmode Progression. More Information can be found below. We are primarily looking for a flex DPS position and backups for all roles!

ESO Blackwood raid group Progression Team Announcement:

DPS: 85k Iron Atro. Previous hard mode experience is strongly recommended.
Healers: BiS Gear + Strong Gear Pool to adapt to needs of the team (more info in DMS). Previous hard mode experience is strongly recommended.
Tanks: BiS Gear + Strong Gear Pool to adapt to needs of the team (more info in DMS). Previous hard mode experience is strongly recommended.

Please dm me on discord (SpaceDragon#0600) mail me in-game (@SpaceDraggie) or join the team discord in the "About Us" section for further involvement.
Team Discord:

*Everyone will have to submit parses and build (superstar or equivalent) for the invitation to the team. Regardless of roster presence.*


ESOteric Blackwood Roster

✓= passed DPS requirement
(?)= Check in with them. Unconfirmed availability.

1. @SpaceDraggie(MT)
2. @Draconis_Prime (OT)
3. @BoomHer (H1)
5. @Wuffy#FuckAllBloodseekers✓ (MSORC)
6. @Bacon✓ (STMPLR)
7. @Mario987 ✓ EC/ MCRO
8. @exceclint ✓ NBLD
10.@Sicario428 ✓ MDK
11. @ValkyrieSnow ✓ CRO
12. FLEX

General Guild Info:

Trials guild that's been around since the first DLC Trial Maw of Lorkhaj, ESOteric Knowledge is a community of inclusive players who prioritize knowledge of fundamentals. In the spirit of Hermaeus Mora, niche knowledge and applications are our focus. We welcome New Players and players who are experienced but looking for the next step in their skill level as players.

LGBT+ Friendly. B)

We are a need based community and it is strongly encouraged that new guild members speak with guild master Space Dragon to align their experiences in the guild with their personal in-game goals.

Drop me a DM if you have any questions Discord ID SpaceDragon#0600.
Visit us live at

Thank you for reading!
Edited by AurbisDragon on 8 September 2021 22:03
  • AurbisDragon
    I understand that the current draft of our roster requirements is not clear enough for people interested so here's some additional information

    Currently looking at Tuesdays and Thursdays late afternoon EST time-zone.
    DPS requirements will be explicitly posted once I do some more homework on realistic numbers and what to expect of a progression group.

    Healer/Tank requirements: Since the support roles are much more rare we typically handle these case by case and instead of listing a requirement (ie A build) we will discuss that with the Healers interested in the position(s).

    Tanks are pretty much full and set in stone but tanks are welcome to apply if interested in backup role.
  • AurbisDragon
    DPS requirement will be 75k Iron Atro.
    Edited by AurbisDragon on 8 June 2021 20:56
  • AurbisDragon

    Official schedule:

    Tuesdays/Thursdays 6 P.M. P.S.T. - 8 P.M. P.S.T. (9 P.M. E.S.T. - 11 P.M. E.S.T.) if you are not EST or PST Time-zone.

    Thank you for sending your availabilities to help us reach this important decision!

    Still looking for 1 healer and 6 DPS!
  • AurbisDragon
    I messed up the guild discord invite links so please just send me a fr on discord SpaceDragon#0600 and I will get you hooked up. Thank you everyone who has shown interest and applied!
  • AurbisDragon
    ANNOUNCEMENT: Roster is almost full and we are delaying start and end schedule times slightly to accommodate

    New Times: Tuesday/Thursdays 9:30 P.M.-11:30 P.M. EST.
  • AurbisDragon
    ANNOUNCEMENT: We have 1 Open Position remaining for DPS. Will likely be filled before the evening tonight. Please get at me via discord (SpaceDragon#0600) before you miss your chance.

    Moving forward, all future applicants post roster will be added to our discord and invited to runs as a backup. (Assuming that they pass the parse requirement.)
  • AurbisDragon
    ANNOUNCEMENT: Open positions for all roles are now closed for our primary roster. Applicants are welcome to continue to apply for backup positions.

    If there's one thing i've learned from raid leading since vMoL it's to never expect a full roster. Please do not let the news discourage you from reaching out! We are always looking to grow our discord and network with other guilds of similar interests.
  • AurbisDragon
    Reminder: We are still looking for backup positions. Please pay our discord a visit if you are interested and can meet the requirements.
  • AurbisDragon
    Congratulations, Seekers, for clearing Veteran RockGrove on the first night! We will be transitioning to full trial farming/practice while we wait for HM changes after discussing and analyzing the mist form meta for HM.
  • AurbisDragon
    We are still looking for DPS interested in being on our backup roster!
  • AurbisDragon
    Bump. New Roster posted for Hardmode progression.
  • AurbisDragon
    Bump. We are looking for one dps and one kite healer. Send me a dm on discord ID: Spacedragon#0600 OR respond to this post if interested.
  • Personofsecrets
    I understand that the current draft of our roster requirements is not clear enough for people interested so here's some additional information

    Currently looking at Tuesdays and Thursdays late afternoon EST time-zone.
    DPS requirements will be explicitly posted once I do some more homework on realistic numbers and what to expect of a progression group.

    Healer/Tank requirements: Since the support roles are much more rare we typically handle these case by case and instead of listing a requirement (ie A build) we will discuss that with the Healers interested in the position(s).

    Tanks are pretty much full and set in stone but tanks are welcome to apply if interested in backup role.

    I'm interested in OT if a spot opens up.


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