Old School MMO player seeking PVE guild

Soul Shriven
Hello all,
Long time player of MMOs since Everquest, I am looking for an "old school" guild to join. What I mean by that is one that is of moderate to small size, more like a family. Actually talks in guild chat, (as well as discord if that is the case). Actually groups together for dungeons and trials, and is eager to do so. Also one that has respectful chat, not full of cussing or sexual references. (i.e. enforced chat rules). Preferably of older age players, where each player is an asset, not just a filler, and that is picky of what type of players they bring in.

What I can bring to a guild? I like mainly PVE things, trials, dungeons, including veteran and hard mode. I have a geared dragonknight tank, and magicka sorcerer dps. I also bring in willingness to help, and an eager to learn more of the hardest content, but also enjoy all the rest too with a fun and friendly guild.

If this sounds like a guild you are in or recruiting for, please respond here with how I can contact you to chat about it.
Thank you,
Greystone. (PC-NA)
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