I was not really sure where to put this.
I often find the shield I use not working properly and I am missing alot of blocks because of this. It is not lag, it is not due to low stamina, my mouse is fine since I have tried binding this to keyboard and have same problem. Sometimes when I am holding down block button either my shield refuses to come up, or it comes up and instantly goes down even while im still holding block. I am just curious if any1 had this problem. I am not sure if its some animation problem, but it o=does tend to happen fairly often. Just see mob charging up a skill, i try to block, shield just comes up for 1 second, goes down; i take finger og block button to maybe try and press button again and nothing happens, then after a delay it comes up...then goes down. Sometimes this happens to me and sometimes it doesn't, but its hurting me alot in dungeons atm.
As I was not sure which forum to put this in and I just want to know if there is anyone noticing some lack of responsiveness with their blocking.