What you're asking for is a proper MMR system.
At this point we're fairly certain that it won't happen any time soon.
What you're asking for is a proper MMR system.
At this point we're fairly certain that it won't happen any time soon.
Why not? I thought it'd be normal... Did they make some announcement about MMR?
It cannot be good for new players whom they probably care most. BG is extremely difficult for anyone new and without proper builds - I know because from CM I hit those for 8k and they hit me for 2k, and I don't even have the skills. The easiest change ZOS can do is to keep teams balanced in some way so that newbies can be teamed with good ones to have a real game.
gariondavey wrote: »What you're asking for is a proper MMR system.
At this point we're fairly certain that it won't happen any time soon.
Why not? I thought it'd be normal... Did they make some announcement about MMR?
It cannot be good for new players whom they probably care most. BG is extremely difficult for anyone new and without proper builds - I know because from CM I hit those for 8k and they hit me for 2k, and I don't even have the skills. The easiest change ZOS can do is to keep teams balanced in some way so that newbies can be teamed with good ones to have a real game.
Zos's mmr system is games played equals mmr.
If you suck but play a lot you will end up against players who likely don't suck and play a lot.
You will then be miserable until you don't suck.