Sacred Guardians - a new start up [Casual/Social] Singapore & Malaysia based guild.

Maintenance for the week of March 31:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 31, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We're a small group of rather new players looking to expand our network to hangout.

We're currently looking at recruiting only SG & MY players.

Discord for communication, its not a must, but good to have.

As it is a fresh start, other than harassment which are generally not allowed, there are no rules & restrictions yet, it will only be created and enforced when drama unfolds... which I'm sure we all hope that it doesn't happen.

We do play other games as well, it'll be good to have more friends to enjoy other games together, where our time and interest aligns.

Players that are interested to join our little network, please mail @grimazri or @Murasami.
Edited by Murasami on 11 June 2019 15:45
  • Axela72
    Any from Game Axis , HWZ?
  • Murasami
    Nope, none of us.
  • Murasami
    2 more members to guild bank, we're currently on 8 and growing slowly :smile:
    Edited by Murasami on 14 June 2019 00:54
  • veroxiousvemo
    Malaysian here. It's a shame I don't have the game on PC though. Oh well, all the best :)
    Edited by veroxiousvemo on 14 June 2019 02:28
    G'day! | Xbox NA CP1666
  • Murasami
    Bump up hoping for more!
  • orian87
    Soul Shriven
    can add me! @orian87
  • Murasami
    hello @orian87 , sorry for the late response, can you mail me ingame @Murasami instead? I can't seem to find your userID in game "@orian87".
  • Murasami
    We're on 9 members now! just 1 more for guild bank!
  • Murasami
    Hi there we currently have 14 players, guild bank are available, hope to see more of you!
  • spoonman
    Soul Shriven
    Hey I'm from SG and im interested (: , My in-game ID is Mr.Spoonm4n . I'm pretty new to ESO though, i've only been playing for a couple of days now xd
  • Murasami
    Hello @spoonman i've sent you a guild invite, sorry for the late response as i don't check the forum often enough :3
  • spoonman
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the invite man, will see you in-game (:
  • pHysically
    Soul Shriven
    Hi can I have an invite? @pHysically. Singaporean here.
  • Murasami
    Just to bump up here and show that we're still alive and growing!
  • warmac628
    Soul Shriven
    Hi all, im a veteran player, been playing since console launch but stopped playing since the dark brotherhood update. Just got back to the game about a month ago, playing on PS4 NA currently. Am seriously thinking about switching over to PC, just got some questions, on PS4 the ping is pretty crazy for me. How is it on PC? Izit still playable? I’m actually trying to get my gf into the game as well dats why I’m thinking of PC instead of console.
  • Murasami
    Hi there, most of the time my ping on average are 250~290ms, using singtel network, it is managable for me, but I do not know for more competitive players as I'm a super casual player who doesn't join pvp etc.
  • zigzactly
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there casual gamer from singapore. Pls invite!
  • edmundpoh
    Soul Shriven
    Hi pls invite. From Singapore. Pc na. ID @iceman888.
    Tks advance.
  • laksamaihum
    Soul Shriven
    hi love to join, from sg. PC NA. @laksamaihum
  • Shryn
    Soul Shriven
    Hello love to join too! from sg. PC NA @Sohryne
  • SwaggerMcjagger
    Soul Shriven
    Guild still up?
  • inkstrider
    [cz="Murasami;c-6132939"]2 more members to guild bank, we're currently on 8 and growing slowly :smile: [/quote]
    Hi, I've been looking for a guild to join players in my own timezone.

    If your guild is up and accepting newcomers, can I get an invite? @Inkstrider
  • falloux85
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, is this guild still up and accepting? Would appreciate an invite! @falloux85
  • zeephuric
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there, fellow Singaporean here. Is your guild Sacred Guardians still up and accepting members? Would love to join! @zeephuric

    Thanks loads!
  • Bchewy
    Hey guys is this guild still around?
  • Cootihooti
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Guys! I'm also wondering if this guild is still up. SG player here. If its still up, can add me @zyberzester
  • FaithShiok77
    Soul Shriven
    Thinking to purchase pc version. Are there still any active sg and my players?
  • munster1404
    Been playing solo since I started in late 2017. PC-Na server. I main a tank for storyline questing but have not really touched end game stuff except pugging on non-dlc dungeons.

    Edited by munster1404 on 25 February 2021 22:34
  • Inv_
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, SG player here and would love to join a community that plays in my timezone. Is this guild still around @Murasami ? would love to join ! @Invictus9857
    Edited by Inv_ on 10 May 2021 09:14
  • jaydenkong
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, would like for an invite @jaydenkong

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