We are looking for two damage dealers to start a dungeon progression group. We play respectively a Templar healer and a Dragonknight tank. We are both CP1000+, have veteran content experience and access to a large number of sets and abilities.
Both of us are adults with real life commitments, and by starting a consistent team, we hope to get best value out of our playing time. Times and dates for our runs can be determined once we have formed our group.
The goal is to eventually work our way through all dungeon hard modes and complete the associated achievements. We especially hope to find two patient and friendly players that are in it for the long run.
In a nutshell:
Our little group is searching two damage dealers to form a (DLC) veteran dungeon progression team
No requirements for specific classes or builds, but experience in said content and good knowledge of one’s class is essential as we don’t plan this group to be for basic training
Patience and a mature approach, sense of humour and a relaxed attitude are a key: we will most likely wipe a lot and have to repeat some dungeons many times. No toxic behaviour, we are looking for friends who want to progress and learn while not taking gaming too seriously – ESO is supposed to be fun!
We plan to start our own Discord channel where we can discuss strategies and organize the runs. Since there will be no backup players, consistency is mandatory. Of course real life happens, but the principle is to commit to dates and times planned together.
We do not care for extreme DPS, god-like parses, maxed out gear, infallible game knowledge or any other unrealistic requirements. A positive attitude, willingness to progress together, learn from our mistakes and to be able to communicate are the most important goals for us!
If you are interested, please contact
@MeanWorldSyndrome in game. Hope to meet you soon In Tamriel.