Character won't load

Soul Shriven
I'm playing in SEA so I don't know if this is an issue. However, I can't load any of my characters it says "To make sure I have a valid internet connection" but if I make a new character it loads up just fine and I can play the game... Once I log out I can't load the new character I just made. It's ridiculous.
  • cynicalbutterfly
    My first thought is to double check your internet connection. Reset the modem/router. Double check system settings on your PS. Make sure you have a good connection. Next step is clearing ESO's save data. Don't worry you won't loose any progress because everything is saved on their servers and not on your console.

    If neither of those work, I really don't know what else to suggest. You can try contacting support and see what they suggest. I don't know much about playing from SEA. Perhaps someone else might be able to give some insight.
  • ZOS_Bill

    We've sent you a forum PM to get some more information on your character loading issue.
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