Stuck in combat and unable to hide...

I know there is a laundry list of issues. Broken classes, broken skills, overpowered combinations.

Add this one to the list of things that make me very angry.

I attacked and killed a guard at the mines near a keep. I then ran on foot to the lumbermill, all the while unable to get out of combat, hundreds of yards away from the NPCs I attacked.

I see a large group of enemy players and because the guards that are a quarter of a mile away still magically see me, I am unable to hide and thus die

  • Cydone
    Yeah I hate this one as well. I really don't understand that if you kill a player/npc, and there's no other players/npcs within "agro" radius, why the hell does it keep you "in combat" to the point where you can't sneak?? This is where NB should be able to use Shadow Cloak to break agro, but nooooooooo. Can't have that. lol
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