Playing a Khajiti Nightblade (first and only character). Followed the "magicka nightblade" advisor for skills. However because my background is Skyrim etc. I've been using sword and shield with bow on the back bar. Currently at CP 700+, so the normal missions are easy, and I can even do world bosses with one or two others (can't solo though).
I can't seem to do anything harder than this though. My build seems about halfway between a tank and a dps, which is to say that if I tried to group I would most likely not be good at either.
So how do I fix this? Probably want to go DPS, since I don't think I want the responsibility of a tank. Which means destruction staff I guess (seems weird that an "assassin class" ends up using a staff...).
Any ideas on how to get my staff skills up and geared up properly?