I know it's a big ask, and having only 20k Gold to my name may not even make it worth your while. But I'm looking for someone to make/craft me a "TRAINER" set of gear, no "Named/Set Bonus's" needed. Just pure TRAINING Gear in 'BLUE" that can get me to Lv50.....
Helm - Light Class, mask/no mask either or, any motif
Shoulder - Heavy, any motif
Chest - Medium, any motif
Belt - Medium, any motif
Glove - Medium, any motif
Pant - Medium, any motif
Boot - Medium, any motif
Rings x 2 Wpn Damage or Stamina Regen
Necklace Wpn Damage or Stamina Regen
Weapon 4 Daggers - "cool" look
OOPS - Forgot, I'm Almost Lv 40.....So Level 40 Gear.....
I'd appreciate it, COD via mail to Ken_Koerperich
I play way to early for most people, game is usually dead when I'm online.... 0600 - 0930 CST
So mail is the only way.
Please Post/Answer Below If Your Going To Help So Someone Else Doesn't Waste Their Time On This Request/Ask!!
Edited by Ken_Koerperich on 27 June 2021 23:30