DWARFs RACE & NEW crafting system

Hi, after the week playing and MMO games fun, I found out that this can change the game crafting logic and improve it. this crafting things are for weapon, armor and jewelry, with small addons in the game and using the previous systmen parts:

1. there should be (instead of levels) GRADES like:
0-14lvl non-grade, 15-29lvl low-grade, 30-39lvl medium-grade, 40-49lvl high-grade and 50lvl TOP-grade
2. AND THEN each grade weapon,armor, etc, should be able to level up. let say from 0 to 10. and each level increase the power of the weapon let say or armor defend stats.
Now imagine here, you buy a NONGRADE weapon, go and use it, the weapon got exp (instead of charging weapon), and now it has the exp bar complately charged (but not leveled up), and to upgrade the level to 1lvl, you need to bring it to the blacksmith and upgrade it there (as it is in the game already) with ingredients (here is were we can use the upgrading system which exists in the game, but instead common to rare, it will level up items), so using the same ingredients you are trying to level up the weapon from 0 to 1, here the weapon should have robability so every leveling should be with less probability, so it can break. but leaving the chance to level up with probability, so the game will have this interesting thing.
(this will give the selling oportunities, because one player with level 5 can buy from other player a NON-GRADE weapon which has the maximum level (lets say 10) and this will give additional value to Elder Scroll Online
3. each weapon/armor/jewlry should have apart of the stats, their personalized stats which only have that "NAMED" weapon, unchangeble stats. (imagine you want to create a sword, call it, "sword of heaven"- and this sword is unique in the game bcz it has stats for, let say, fast resurection.)
5. then, enchance RUNIC stats which we have now and can change everytime we want.
6. Precious stones, with the posibility to melt and evel up to increase the stats, put in the weapon or take it from the weapon, mix melting between max 3 stones, lets say, with only 3 adding stats. So you can personalized maximum ur character.
7. Set skills (which already exists)

8. As a bonus thing, those players who based on crafting and exploring the game, after crafting many items, thausands, etc.. they could have something like quality craft, which, lets say, will increase to the durability resistance of the weapon and armor. this one is good idea, as thereyou have to always fix the things after fighting.. and why not, as there is durability why not reach it to the extremal point, if one dont restore it, it can be broken (i am new player, mb there is and it never happened to me), also this will help to creafetr name promotion, like this player craafted this, the quality is better. or if you have the set pieces craftet by one player, there is some bonus durability. ( having the same player´s crafted items as a bonus, if the weapon would break, so it could be: even they damaged and you need restore them, you are sure that being the set crafted by one pleyer, the set wont break and dissapear)., so players will always care about the items they have, and also quality and the crafter will be promoted (as there is the creafter name on items)

this would really change many things in the game crafting system... the game would have the best craft... HOPE some developers are reading this. Also this will create game economy, economy brings socialization, more interaction., people start sell more activelly, weapon, armor, ingredients, player will start to collecct them, for crafting, to sale. And when you have this kind of activity inside of the game, you are going to have more chance to different crown seles items...

developers can create offline trading system, in each area in the main village, in the crown store, they can sell like bank slots, so trading slots.. many many things like this.. which are small details and not interact in the game, but increase sales..

Now what about the materials...
I think, every crafting item should have not only: METAL+RACE MATERIAL+PRECIOUS STONE

1. first of all, where is the receipt? any crafting item, should have receipt, i want to go kill boss in a party a get that receipt.
2. then the good crafting system should have more things more ingredients for crafting. and YES not all the ingredients should be right outside the village, (only the common onces) so you have to go to the dangeons with you party to farm the ingredients, materials (this also good, for a player 2 player quests system, when a player from one alliance request through the specific NPC, living him deposit gold as buying price, for the "contraband" of some igredients or materials from some other location which is not acceseble for him so some other player can go to that NPC check the offer and take the quest to collecct this ingredients - there is a topic in the QUEST section about this)
3. there should be material crafting system, so YES al this ingredients you have in your bank, you can mix them (for example in alchemist place) and get the specific material which is needed to create the wanted weapon, armor, necklace..
4. there should be receipts for the alchemistry for this specific materials.
5. there should be specific drop system, so you know that you have to hunt that specific mob, farm it 1h, 2h, 1day, to get your wished receipt.
6. there should be receipts book, (i am new in the game, mb there is in upper level?)
7. the most cool thing, random master-class-craft, lets say after 100 crafts suddenly you get instead of usual weapon, master crafted weapon.. which give additional stats...

and why not, create DWARF RACE with crafting race skills, enchanting and alchemist race skills, with searching skills.. who will be the only race able to learn the specific high level crafting receipts.. let say, DWARFs can with 1 point learn both alchemist and blacksmith skills. and specific skills for blunt weapon

and please, I think there should be limit for visual changes, so some set clothes should not be changed.. and be valued as they are, the beautiful design of the specific set. the colors also, it should be limited... I only can see ppl dressed black running everywhere.. for me I like the game world, the beauty of it.. as the efforts which designed created it.. to be ruined with black colour :s:D
Edited by HyekAr on 30 April 2021 15:00
  • VaranisArano
    If you've been playing for a week, you might want to review the preexisting lore on the "dwarves" of The Elder Scrolls. The Dwemer. Their disappearance in the 1st Era is one of the central mysteries of the series.

    As for your ideas about Crafting, perhaps it would be an improvement. But I doubt the Devs plan on unending the current system. If they do, they will most likely simplify Blacksmithing, woodworking, and Clothing to have the same 5 tiers as jewelry crafting.
  • colossalvoids
    Well you should read up on dwemer more for sure.

    Also I'd keep my blacks, thanks.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Hard pass.
  • HyekAr
    If you've been playing for a week, you might want to review the preexisting lore on the "dwarves" of The Elder Scrolls. The Dwemer. Their disappearance in the 1st Era is one of the central mysteries of the series.

    As for your ideas about Crafting, perhaps it would be an improvement. But I doubt the Devs plan on unending the current system. If they do, they will most likely simplify Blacksmithing, woodworking, and Clothing to have the same 5 tiers as jewelry crafting.

    Wow, as a elfic fantasy fun, my intuition is telling me that those dwamers are somewhere under the ground hiding
  • hands0medevil
    After a week? well that escalated quickly
  • lillybit
    HyekAr wrote: »
    If you've been playing for a week, you might want to review the preexisting lore on the "dwarves" of The Elder Scrolls. The Dwemer. Their disappearance in the 1st Era is one of the central mysteries of the series.

    As for your ideas about Crafting, perhaps it would be an improvement. But I doubt the Devs plan on unending the current system. If they do, they will most likely simplify Blacksmithing, woodworking, and Clothing to have the same 5 tiers as jewelry crafting.

    Wow, as a elfic fantasy fun, my intuition is telling me that those dwamers are somewhere under the ground hiding

    They aren't. There's lots of lore around this
    PS4 EU
  • RedMuse
    The Dwemer are extinct. Or maybe they're just taking a very prolonged vacation. We don't know. No one really does. But from somewhere in the 1st era and until the beginning of the 4th we know they do not exist. Except one single dude who shows up late and without Starbucks but he's the only one.

    As for the rest? Am I the only one who found the layout irritating to the point of being illegible? Like all that bolding just makes my eyes slide right over the text. And that's just for a start.

    This is an MMO, as in an online game. No part of it is offline you know.
  • karthrag_inak
    "After a week".

    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions. cp3600
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
    Come visit Karth's Glitter Box, Khajiit's home. Fully stocked guild hall done in sleek Khajiit stylings, with Grand Master Stations, Transmute, Scribing, Trial Dummies, etc. Also has 2 full bowling alleys, nightclub, and floating maze over Wrothgar.
  • Tethilia
    Dwemer, Ayleids, and Falmer are no chance.

    Nedes, Kothringi, Maomer, and Ohmes (Not extinct and super common. Like just yesterday that cashier was totally an Ohme and you didn't notice) are kinda sorta playable through character customization of other races.
  • Tethilia
    One more. Reachmen. They are just straight up Bretons with different gear. Same racials and appearance as a Breton.
  • VaranisArano
    Tethilia wrote: »
    One more. Reachmen. They are just straight up Bretons with different gear. Same racials and appearance as a Breton.

    Should they be different? Reachmen aren't a different race. They are Bretons who live in the Reach. Sure, there's probably more interbreeding with the Nords than on the High Rock side of the mountains. But the flip side is that the Nords are the culturally dominant ones, and so the more "Nord-passing" of the Reachmen who have probably assimilate into the dominant Nord culture easier.

    In all likelihood, your average Reachman could put on fancy clothes and blend right in on the streets of Wayrest except for their clan tatoos. While your average Reach Nord is going to look right at home in Solitude.
  • Gundug
    I admit I couldn’t understand much of the post, but the concept of leveling weapons and gear through battle, while interesting, if implemented by ZOS would probably result in all pre-patch gear being invalidated from the system like jewelry was after jewelry crafting was introduced.

    I believe something was mentioned about being able to upgrade the level of lower level gear, which is pretty well managed by the collections system already.
  • JoDiMageio
    RedMuse wrote: »
    The Dwemer are extinct. Or maybe they're just taking a very prolonged vacation. We don't know. No one really does. But from somewhere in the 1st era and until the beginning of the 4th we know they do not exist. Except one single dude who shows up late and without Starbucks but he's the only one.

    We don't know that they don't exist - we know that they are not around, as in not on this plane of existence but possibly somewhere else. Two different things. And since there is a lone survivor, they are not extinct either.

  • VaranisArano
    Nvm, right topic, wrong thread. Sorry.
    Edited by VaranisArano on 30 April 2021 15:13
  • Tethilia
    Should they be different? Reachmen aren't a different race. They are Bretons who live in the Reach. Sure, there's probably more interbreeding with the Nords than on the High Rock side of the mountains. But the flip side is that the Nords are the culturally dominant ones, and so the more "Nord-passing" of the Reachmen who have probably assimilate into the dominant Nord culture easier.

    In all likelihood, your average Reachman could put on fancy clothes and blend right in on the streets of Wayrest except for their clan tatoos. While your average Reach Nord is going to look right at home in Solitude.

    No they shouldn't be different. The point I was making is that if you want to roll a legitmate reachmen, make a breton and done.

    EDIT: Also some Nords are Reachman decendents. You can be a reachnord too.

    My point was that the racial ethnicity of the Reachmen is the same as the non-Reachmen of that population. (Theoretically you could be any race and be a Reachmen) This would be opposed to Ohmes which should be Bosmer using Khajiit racials.
    Edited by Tethilia on 1 May 2021 22:51
  • HyekAr
    Since the post I am playing almost a month. I just discovered that until one reach to the 50 lvl, there is no big point to farm sets. So basically if someone have the set before 50, it is helpful but as after every level up you need to farm again the piece of the set. It make worthless care abt set until lvl 50.
    HyekAr wrote: »
    1. there should be (instead of levels) GRADES like:
    0-14lvl non-grade, 15-29lvl low-grade, 30-39lvl medium-grade, 40-49lvl high-grade and 50lvl TOP-grade
    2. AND THEN each grade weapon,armor, etc, should be able to level up. let say from 0 to 10. and each level increase the power of the weapon let say or armor defend stats.
    Now imagine here, you buy a NONGRADE weapon, go and use it, the weapon got exp (instead of charging weapon), and now it has the exp bar complately charged (but not leveled up), and to upgrade the level to 1lvl, you need to bring it to the blacksmith and upgrade it there (as it is in the game already) with ingredients (here is were we can use the upgrading system which exists in the game, but instead common to rare, it will level up items), so using the same ingredients you are trying to level up the weapon from 0 to 1, here the weapon should have robability so every leveling should be with less probability, so it can break. but leaving the chance to level up with probability, so the game will have this interesting thing.
    (this will give the selling oportunities, because one player with level 5 can buy from other player a NON-GRADE weapon which has the maximum level (lets say 10) and this will give additional value to Elder Scroll Online
    3. each weapon/armor/jewlry should have apart of the stats, their personalized stats which only have that "NAMED" weapon, unchangeble stats. (imagine you want to create a sword, call it, "sword of heaven"- and this sword is unique in the game bcz it has stats for, let say, fast resurection.)
    There is need for this☝️☝️☝️ for those who re playing until 50, and once one reach to 50: the actual system: farming the set again to get it as "top grade"

    Why? Bcz when I was 30lvl I got one set, and used it until 41lvl bcz of the set ability/skill. But actually the set pieces were from lvl 30, 32, .. and during the game I got better equipmnt, but I didnt use it to remain with the set's skill. So I was playing with the same 30lvl pieces almost 10 levels.

    And without saying that the set itself had one piece 29lvl, other one 32 lvl, one 37 lvl. and etc.. so every set pieces was different level which means different stats.
    Thats why having a grade range, with leveling system for equipmnt would solve this issue.

    Also this is good for those who are leveling new chars, so they will just keep the equipmnt sets of each grades in the bank, and everytime one need it for his new char, can just take it. So there wont be any lvl restriction until u will wear the entire set.

    Edited by HyekAr on 9 May 2021 11:27
  • hundergrn
    Honestly... Hardpass.

    The game world has been level synced to CP 160 for all overland content and toons below lvl 50 are scaled to CP160. (real hard kick in the pants once you hit that lvl 50 mark)

    Below lvl 50 gear is good for about 10-15+ levels as long as its green or above for most if not all questing as you level and as long as you stick to a zone while doing so, gear drops frequently enough that most pieces can be replaced with higher level versions of the set. (recently leveled a new toon in Blackwood and was able to maintain a set bonus till hitting 50 from just questing). Left CP off and ran through normally without issue... after hitting 50 is a different story tho.

    The current system still incentivizes new players to interact with others and to join guilds. Once in a guild, there are plenty of crafters that are willing to craft level appropriate sets for stepping stones as you level. Many will do it for free, others will require mats or gold. New players are also incentivized to explore the current crafting system... deconing gear levels up your skill as well as crafting, while leveling you get enough gear to decon to keep up with your level, harvesting while leveling allows you to craft stronger gear, learning more traits allows you to craft gear sets. Craftable gear sets can be made at any level as long as you know the traits to be able to craft them. Many craftable gearsets are viable from lvl 1 - cp 3k.

    Weapons and gear, lore wise, are not living and have no reason to level with use. They have durability to break in time and the materials used determine their strength. That strength can be enhanced through crafting skills and mats. A well worn blade cannot cut unless maintained, a maintained blade is only as good as the quality of materials used to make it.

    Materials for crafting was standardized per level to minimize the amount of ever growing clutter in our inventories. Bag and Bank space is precious without ESO+ craft bag... realistically, there is a limited amount of materials used for making weapons and armor... the style stones are there to give differentiation to styles, knowledge to apply set bonuses, traits to refine item specific bonus.

    Randomizing stats would create a secondary market instead of improving the current. Many a crafter would skyrocket prices on god-tier stat items and low rolls would be only good for deconing a small return to the next. Durability is easily countered by player skill (not dying repeatedly), repair kits gotten from daily crafting/guild store, and occasionally stopping at a vendor to offload excess loot.

    Crafted sets already have the crafters name on them. Receipt is there. Special crafter specializations would hinder guild stores and guild growth, limiting those that have bad rng or brand recognition from joining guilds and place strain on those that do have good rng to spend more time crafting than playing.

    Plus style, might break on enhance, is an antiquated time sink system that has been phased out of modern design due to the toxicity, balance issues, and economic impacts it had on games. It doesn't fit with eso's play style of gear sets coming and going of meta, balance changes, and constant influx of new gear.

    Long in short....
    FF14 has hundreds of thousands of different mats for crafting gear and a robust crafting system that does little to incentivize crafters to sell wares outside of current content unless furniture or glamour. Not enough inventory space for all the mats less you pay extra each month to have more.

    Wow has introduced grades and randomization to crafting prior and current... it punishes new crafters with a cycle of need gold/farm mats to burn 30-50 crafts to get to grade. Burns the market with high prices that quickly crash as it is only the first up makes the gold.

    Aion somewhere inbetween.

    Ragnarok Online plus gear sold for millions past +5 due to ever increasing break chance and encourages an economic divide and cash4gold market.

    Good ideas but would require vast revamping of current systems, discourage new crafters, be huge time sinks.
    Give the game some time, explore the current systems as you level and grow. Join guilds and interact, youll find systems in place to what you spoke of and want. Not all of it but some of it. (BTW dwarves, aka dwemer, are a long going mystery race lost to time before even TESO)
  • HyekAr
    hundergrn wrote: »
    Honestly... Hardpass.

    The game world has been level synced to CP 160 for all overland content and toons below lvl 50 are scaled to CP160. (real hard kick in the pants once you hit that lvl 50 mark)

    Below lvl 50 gear is good for about 10-15+ levels as long as its green or above for most if not all questing as you level and as long as you stick to a zone while doing so, gear drops frequently enough that most pieces can be replaced with higher level versions of the set. (recently leveled a new toon in Blackwood and was able to maintain a set bonus till hitting 50 from just questing). Left CP off and ran through normally without issue... after hitting 50 is a different story tho.

    The current system still incentivizes new players to interact with others and to join guilds. Once in a guild, there are plenty of crafters that are willing to craft level appropriate sets for stepping stones as you level. Many will do it for free, others will require mats or gold. New players are also incentivized to explore the current crafting system... deconing gear levels up your skill as well as crafting, while leveling you get enough gear to decon to keep up with your level, harvesting while leveling allows you to craft stronger gear, learning more traits allows you to craft gear sets. Craftable gear sets can be made at any level as long as you know the traits to be able to craft them. Many craftable gearsets are viable from lvl 1 - cp 3k.

    Weapons and gear, lore wise, are not living and have no reason to level with use. They have durability to break in time and the materials used determine their strength. That strength can be enhanced through crafting skills and mats. A well worn blade cannot cut unless maintained, a maintained blade is only as good as the quality of materials used to make it.

    Materials for crafting was standardized per level to minimize the amount of ever growing clutter in our inventories. Bag and Bank space is precious without ESO+ craft bag... realistically, there is a limited amount of materials used for making weapons and armor... the style stones are there to give differentiation to styles, knowledge to apply set bonuses, traits to refine item specific bonus.

    Randomizing stats would create a secondary market instead of improving the current. Many a crafter would skyrocket prices on god-tier stat items and low rolls would be only good for deconing a small return to the next. Durability is easily countered by player skill (not dying repeatedly), repair kits gotten from daily crafting/guild store, and occasionally stopping at a vendor to offload excess loot.

    Crafted sets already have the crafters name on them. Receipt is there. Special crafter specializations would hinder guild stores and guild growth, limiting those that have bad rng or brand recognition from joining guilds and place strain on those that do have good rng to spend more time crafting than playing.

    Plus style, might break on enhance, is an antiquated time sink system that has been phased out of modern design due to the toxicity, balance issues, and economic impacts it had on games. It doesn't fit with eso's play style of gear sets coming and going of meta, balance changes, and constant influx of new gear.

    Long in short....
    FF14 has hundreds of thousands of different mats for crafting gear and a robust crafting system that does little to incentivize crafters to sell wares outside of current content unless furniture or glamour. Not enough inventory space for all the mats less you pay extra each month to have more.

    Wow has introduced grades and randomization to crafting prior and current... it punishes new crafters with a cycle of need gold/farm mats to burn 30-50 crafts to get to grade. Burns the market with high prices that quickly crash as it is only the first up makes the gold.

    Aion somewhere inbetween.

    Ragnarok Online plus gear sold for millions past +5 due to ever increasing break chance and encourages an economic divide and cash4gold market.

    Good ideas but would require vast revamping of current systems, discourage new crafters, be huge time sinks.
    Give the game some time, explore the current systems as you level and grow. Join guilds and interact, youll find systems in place to what you spoke of and want. Not all of it but some of it. (BTW dwarves, aka dwemer, are a long going mystery race lost to time before even TESO)

    Thank You for ur time writing all this, very thoughtfull abt the market points,

    Yes i need to discover many points in the game, I was just wondering why having a huge world, some things are pointless (like looking for set, before 50*160 lvl)
    Or no crafting drops distribution by areas, etc. Even quests, are very hit and run.

    Well, I guess everything is centred on end game MB
    Edited by HyekAr on 14 June 2021 10:11
  • JKorr
    Before cp160 is the best time to play around with different combinations of sets to find what works for your play style. The cost in mats is low, so if I want to know if my steam dk benefits from morkuldins and hundings, or morkuldins and cold harbors favorite, I can make them and try it.

    Farming for a specific dropped set before cp160 does not make sense. But crafted? Yeah, and you can change every ten levels if you want.
    Edited by JKorr on 16 June 2021 13:06
  • Tethilia
    Without reading any of your post, I'm going to respond with "Dwarf Race no".

    Dwemer are established in ES lore. If you want to be Dwemer themed, you should become an archeologist who studies in their footsteps. You could be a Telvanni seeking to unmask their secrets for personal and political power, while simultaneously holding the belief that they are biologically and culturally inferior. You could be a Redguard hoping to amass untold riches or a technological advantage over others in martial combat. You could be an Altmer hoping to uncover the fate of the Dwemer so that you can avoid such a disaster falling upon Summerset (Or possibly recreate it). You could be a soldier hoping to find some sort of military advantage to end the three banner war. Or you could just be a Dwarf enthusiast who like gears cuz they spin, and those spiders are super cute.

    That said, if you really want to you can RP as one of the polymorph available races, an Ohme, a Maomer, a Reachmen, or even a lorebreaking Nede. Hopefully Kithringi will become available in the future.

    That said, we all know that the one race everyone wants to be is the absolutely sexy and beautiful Sload. Alas, such power is beyond us.
  • Tethilia
    One more, you could also be a Centurion sorta.
  • wolfie1.0.
    HyekAr wrote: »
    If you've been playing for a week, you might want to review the preexisting lore on the "dwarves" of The Elder Scrolls. The Dwemer. Their disappearance in the 1st Era is one of the central mysteries of the series.

    As for your ideas about Crafting, perhaps it would be an improvement. But I doubt the Devs plan on unending the current system. If they do, they will most likely simplify Blacksmithing, woodworking, and Clothing to have the same 5 tiers as jewelry crafting.

    Wow, as a elfic fantasy fun, my intuition is telling me that those dwamers are somewhere under the ground hiding

    Actually, I think you need to read up on the lore a bit. TES doesn't exactly fit into most other high fantasy realms when it comes to elves and dwarves. First elf is a misnomer in TES the true term is Mer and dwemer are not classical nor a substitute for dwarves. There is not much know about the dwemer, but that they are gone. Not hiding. Gone.
  • HyekAr
    HyekAr wrote: »
    If you've been playing for a week, you might want to review the preexisting lore on the "dwarves" of The Elder Scrolls. The Dwemer. Their disappearance in the 1st Era is one of the central mysteries of the series.

    As for your ideas about Crafting, perhaps it would be an improvement. But I doubt the Devs plan on unending the current system. If they do, they will most likely simplify Blacksmithing, woodworking, and Clothing to have the same 5 tiers as jewelry crafting.

    Wow, as a elfic fantasy fun, my intuition is telling me that those dwamers are somewhere under the ground hiding

    Actually, I think you need to read up on the lore a bit. TES doesn't exactly fit into most other high fantasy realms when it comes to elves and dwarves. First elf is a misnomer in TES the true term is Mer and dwemer are not classical nor a substitute for dwarves. There is not much know about the dwemer, but that they are gone. Not hiding. Gone.

    Actually if One want to do a dwarf he/she can just make a small person in character creator, the thing is having a new class specifyed exclusively for crafting monopoly for super powerful weapons
  • VaranisArano
    HyekAr wrote: »
    HyekAr wrote: »
    If you've been playing for a week, you might want to review the preexisting lore on the "dwarves" of The Elder Scrolls. The Dwemer. Their disappearance in the 1st Era is one of the central mysteries of the series.

    As for your ideas about Crafting, perhaps it would be an improvement. But I doubt the Devs plan on unending the current system. If they do, they will most likely simplify Blacksmithing, woodworking, and Clothing to have the same 5 tiers as jewelry crafting.

    Wow, as a elfic fantasy fun, my intuition is telling me that those dwamers are somewhere under the ground hiding

    Actually, I think you need to read up on the lore a bit. TES doesn't exactly fit into most other high fantasy realms when it comes to elves and dwarves. First elf is a misnomer in TES the true term is Mer and dwemer are not classical nor a substitute for dwarves. There is not much know about the dwemer, but that they are gone. Not hiding. Gone.

    Actually if One want to do a dwarf he/she can just make a small person in character creator, the thing is having a new class specifyed exclusively for crafting monopoly for super powerful weapons

    Look, you can play a person with dwarfism in as much as the character creator will allow.

    What we're trying to tell you is that The Elder Scrolls universe doesn't have the stereotypical fantasy "dwarf" as a short, technologically inclined race. The Dwemer aren't actually short judging by their ghosts in TES 3 Morrowind, though they certainly are technologically inclined.

    Seriously, if you want to play a Dwemer, go read up on their lore.
  • wolfie1.0.
    HyekAr wrote: »
    HyekAr wrote: »
    If you've been playing for a week, you might want to review the preexisting lore on the "dwarves" of The Elder Scrolls. The Dwemer. Their disappearance in the 1st Era is one of the central mysteries of the series.

    As for your ideas about Crafting, perhaps it would be an improvement. But I doubt the Devs plan on unending the current system. If they do, they will most likely simplify Blacksmithing, woodworking, and Clothing to have the same 5 tiers as jewelry crafting.

    Wow, as a elfic fantasy fun, my intuition is telling me that those dwamers are somewhere under the ground hiding

    Actually, I think you need to read up on the lore a bit. TES doesn't exactly fit into most other high fantasy realms when it comes to elves and dwarves. First elf is a misnomer in TES the true term is Mer and dwemer are not classical nor a substitute for dwarves. There is not much know about the dwemer, but that they are gone. Not hiding. Gone.

    Actually if One want to do a dwarf he/she can just make a small person in character creator, the thing is having a new class specifyed exclusively for crafting monopoly for super powerful weapons

    First Please study the lore around the dwemer. this is a good place to start your investigation: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Dwemer

    Second the shortest playable race in ESO are the Bosmer. they hate killing plants and they consume their fallen enemies.

    Lastly, a class/race that specializes SOLEY in crafting does not fit the ESO environment, mechanics, nor method of game design, and ultimately would be discarded as sub par and substandard for most ESO content beyond the basics. At the end of the day there are enough skill points currently in ESO that you can easily create one character that is good for crafting as well as regular gameplay.

    Your crafting system is, well not balanced, overly grindy, and would require a complete overhaul of the crafting system, loot drops, and basically the entire material economy. This type of change would not go over well in the community and would require ZOS to put in a LOT of work for little to no return on investment. In business the saying goes If it works, and makes us money then don't fix it, make it better. Crafting in ESO works, its uncomplicated and quirky, but it works. Do i wish it were better? sure. But i honestly doubt the ESO devs are going to make changes.

    And honestly, when ZOS DOES make changes to the game in response to what players want, the players don't get exactly what they want or demanded. ZOS always tips the scales in their favor a bit. they would go out of business if they didn't.
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