Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Something has to be done about the fake tank/healer plague, enough is enough.

**Edit, I just got around to checking the replies on this and holy crap! This thread should be used as a case study for cherry-picking and selective memory. I can't believe, I refuse to believe that saying "a tank should have to have a taunt or a healer should have to have the ability to heal others on their bar before being able to queue for those roles" is a controversial statement. I refuse to believe it, period. I feel like I am being trolled after reading some of these replies. Let me clear a few things up for those you who are lets say, slightly challenged in the area of reading comprehension.

I am only talking about Vet LFG Dungeons. Normal LFG is beyond easy even for brand new players.

What I mean by "fake tank or fake healer" is a dps that queues for the tank or healer role and doesn't have any intention or ability to tank or heal for the group, just so they can have a fast queue time. I can work with/around a bad tank, healer or dps.

"Basic criteria", Zenimax would have to decide on that, at a bare minimum a taunt for tanks and the ability to heal other for healers before being able to queue for those roles. I am not suggesting they get to decide how you play/build your character.

When I say "lock the gear/skills/talents in place" until the dungeon is over, It's only what gear/skills/talents is needed for the role (decided by Zenimax) and it's so that they are not immediately swapped out when the queue pops. Does that mean they will use them? Nope, It just means they would be actively avoiding using them making kicking easier.

No, I am not just calling out fake tanks or fake healers... There are fake dps too, but the kick system works for those since dps are a dime a dozen, even good dps. The dps slot is filled almost instantly after making a kick, so there is no problem there.**

Every other MMO that has a queue system for dungeons/raids has a way to deal with this. It's to the point now where almost half of the lfg/pugs I do has a fake tank or healer in it, and a lot of the times it's just straight up 4 dps (no taunts and zero heals). I can accept they are bad tanks and healers, no problem. What I can't or won't accept is a dps queuing as a tank or healer just because they somehow think that their time is more valuable and don't want to wait in the queue that dps deal with right now. Vote to kick is not the answer because a fast kick and replacement almost never happens and people would rather just die a whole bunch instead of having to kick/replace/wait for the role to be filled properly. There is no risk or downside to the person queuing into the wrong role other than a slight chance of getting kicked, but even then they can just log onto another character, re-queue (in the wrong role) and end up right back in the group they were just kicked from further wasting everyone's time... (Why is the kicked timer not account wide, [snip]?)

Now before a Captain Obvious stats the obvious...
(Yes, I know I can form my own groups and do.)
(Yes, I do tank and heal and not just dps in pugs.)
(Yes, I know I can leave the group at any time.)
(Yes, I know you can and I have successfully ran 3 and even 4 dps in vet dungeons.)
These are all band aid solutions to a broken system that only rewards the people who are breaking it.

So what can be done to fix the problem? I don't know, I'm not a developer and don't know what is and isn't technically possible with the HeroEngine. If possible, the queue system for LFG needs to have a criteria to look for before allowing someone to queue into a certain role.
Does the person have a taunt on their bar? Check
Does the person have sufficient health to tank the content that was queued for? Check
Does the person have the appropriate armor/armor buffs/shields/and cp talents? Check
If all checks pass, lock the gear/skills/talents in place required for the content and add them to the queue.
A system like this would allow extra rewards for filling and completing certain roles that are badly needed need in the queue like tank, thus speeding up everyone queue.

I know there are a lot of different play-styles and builds out there but there needs to be a bare minimum criteria in place to allow someone to queue for certain roles, otherwise little Timmy Turbo is just going to keep abusing the queue and wasting everyone's time. The only other options are to allow reporting and banning of people abusing the queue (first report a warning, second report 24 hour ban), but this would likely be abused it's self. The other option? Just leave it as it is and dumb down all lfg/pug content to allow for a random 4 dps to clear. What I can say for sure is that the LFG experience has progressively gotten worse over the past couple of years and it needs fixed right now.

[edited for profanity bypass]
Edited by ZOS_Icy on 28 May 2023 18:21
  • Agenericname
    Warstory wrote: »
    Every other MMO that has a queue system for dungeons/raids has a way to deal with this. It's to the point now where almost half of the lfg/pugs I do has a fake tank or healer in it, and a lot of the times it's just straight up 4 dps (no taunts and zero heals). I can accept they are bad tanks and healers, no problem. What I can't or won't accept is a dps queuing as a tank or healer just because they somehow think that their time is more valuable and don't want to wait in the queue that dps deal with right now. Vote to kick is not the answer because a fast kick and replacement almost never happens and people would rather just die a whole bunch instead of having to kick/replace/wait for the role to be filled properly. There is no risk or downside to the person queuing into the wrong role other than a slight chance of getting kicked, but even then they can just log onto another character, re-queue (in the wrong role) and end up right back in the group they were just kicked from further wasting the everyone's time... (Why is the kicked timer not account wide, [snip]?)

    Now before a Captain Obvious stats the obvious...
    (Yes, I know I can form my own groups and do.)
    (Yes, I do tank and heal and not just dps in pugs.)
    (Yes, I know I can leave the group at any time.)
    (Yes, I know you can and I have successfully ran 3 and even 4 dps in vet dungeons.)
    These are all band aid solutions to a broken system that only rewards the people who are breaking it.

    So what can be done to fix the problem? I don't know, I'm not a developer and don't know what is and isn't technically possible with the HeroEngine. If possible, the queue system for LFG needs to have a criteria to look for before allowing someone to queue into a certain role.
    Does the person have a taunt on their bar? Check
    Does the person have sufficient health to tank the content that was queued for? Check
    Does the person have the appropriate armor/armor buffs/shields/and cp talents? Check
    If all checks pass, lock the gear/skills/talents in place required for the content and add them to the queue.
    A system like this would allow extra rewards for filling and completing certain roles that are badly needed need in the queue like tank, thus speeding up everyone queue.

    I know there are a lot of different play-styles and builds out there but there needs to be a bare minimum criteria in place to allow someone to queue for certain roles, otherwise little Timmy Turbo is just going to keep abusing the queue and wasting everyone's time. The only other options are to allow reporting and banning of people abusing the queue (first report a warning, second report 24 hour ban), but this would likely be abused it's self. The other option? Just leave it as it is and dumb down all lfg/pug content to allow for a random 4 dps to clear. What I can say for sure is that the LFG experience has progressively gotten worse over the past couple of years and it needs fixed right now.

    There is no timer for someone who has been kicked.

    If you want more tanks in queue, punishing them by locking their skills and gear isnt really going to entice them. Fake tanks arent displacing real tanks. They fill a vacuum.

    If youre going to set limits and restrictions on what my tank can wear and their abilities, wouldnt it also be fair to set a minimum on damage as well?

    Rnd are already dumbed down to the point that 4 dds can complete them. Its why this conversation happens.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 28 May 2023 18:22
  • Ringing_Nirnroot
    Kick until you get the real deal 😆
  • Rahar
    Sure. I'd be for having some basic checks on tank/healer queues. But only if DPS had to go through a lowest common denominator filter, too.
    NeRf MaGsOrC
  • Wolfpaw
    If ZOS made a ESO version of GW2 LFG system all these issues would end. A player driven lfg system is the best option.
  • mark.alexander5neb18_ESO
    Put fakers on your ignore list everyone. Let the parties available to them dry up

    If they want to queue as a tank or a healer they should roll one. It's simple enough to do and they might enjoy the class

    Fakers are people who think they're so "special" they shouldn't have to queue like the rest of us
  • Jeremy
    Warstory wrote: »
    Every other MMO that has a queue system for dungeons/raids has a way to deal with this. It's to the point now where almost half of the lfg/pugs I do has a fake tank or healer in it, and a lot of the times it's just straight up 4 dps (no taunts and zero heals). I can accept they are bad tanks and healers, no problem. What I can't or won't accept is a dps queuing as a tank or healer just because they somehow think that their time is more valuable and don't want to wait in the queue that dps deal with right now. Vote to kick is not the answer because a fast kick and replacement almost never happens and people would rather just die a whole bunch instead of having to kick/replace/wait for the role to be filled properly. There is no risk or downside to the person queuing into the wrong role other than a slight chance of getting kicked, but even then they can just log onto another character, re-queue (in the wrong role) and end up right back in the group they were just kicked from further wasting the everyone's time... (Why is the kicked timer not account wide, [snip]?)

    Now before a Captain Obvious stats the obvious...
    (Yes, I know I can form my own groups and do.)
    (Yes, I do tank and heal and not just dps in pugs.)
    (Yes, I know I can leave the group at any time.)
    (Yes, I know you can and I have successfully ran 3 and even 4 dps in vet dungeons.)
    These are all band aid solutions to a broken system that only rewards the people who are breaking it.

    So what can be done to fix the problem? I don't know, I'm not a developer and don't know what is and isn't technically possible with the HeroEngine. If possible, the queue system for LFG needs to have a criteria to look for before allowing someone to queue into a certain role.
    Does the person have a taunt on their bar? Check
    Does the person have sufficient health to tank the content that was queued for? Check
    Does the person have the appropriate armor/armor buffs/shields/and cp talents? Check
    If all checks pass, lock the gear/skills/talents in place required for the content and add them to the queue.
    A system like this would allow extra rewards for filling and completing certain roles that are badly needed need in the queue like tank, thus speeding up everyone queue.

    I know there are a lot of different play-styles and builds out there but there needs to be a bare minimum criteria in place to allow someone to queue for certain roles, otherwise little Timmy Turbo is just going to keep abusing the queue and wasting everyone's time. The only other options are to allow reporting and banning of people abusing the queue (first report a warning, second report 24 hour ban), but this would likely be abused it's self. The other option? Just leave it as it is and dumb down all lfg/pug content to allow for a random 4 dps to clear. What I can say for sure is that the LFG experience has progressively gotten worse over the past couple of years and it needs fixed right now.

    I think what they need to do is add a new option to report players who "fake" their role in order to cut in line. If a player gets enough reports, it would trigger an investigation and if it's found that the player is consistently faking their role on purpose to speed up their queues they would get a time out from being able to use the activity finder. That's the best solution I've been able to come up with. Just the mere presence of something like this would probably cut the practice back a lot.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 28 May 2023 18:23
  • MudcrabAttack
    Real tanks and healers need more incentive to join the que. Give PVE a battle spirit that goes the opposite direction of pvp, where DPS goes up X% when health and mitigation meet some basic requirements. Healers can already dish out a lot of DPS, why can't tanks?

    I wouldn't increase their reward, then you would have even more fakes hopping into the position.
  • Goregrinder
    Real tanks and healers need more incentive to join the que. Give PVE a battle spirit that goes the opposite direction of pvp, where DPS goes up X% when health and mitigation meet some basic requirements. Healers can already dish out a lot of DPS, why can't tanks?

    I wouldn't increase their reward, then you would have even more fakes hopping into the position.

    Something like successfully taunting an enemy puts a stack of a buff that increases groups damage by 1% or something. Can stack up to 10, and each stack lasts 10 seconds or something. Things like that might work, buffs that work off what a player is actually doing in a dungeon. If they are playing like a tank, then they get buffs for themselves or group which makes running the dungeon faster and easier. If they are a fake tank, it takes longer.

    Alternatively it could be that a debuff gets applied unless one player constantly taunts every 10 seconds or something. So it would then be up to the tank to keep that debuff off themselves and their group, and could be one incentive to get people to be more honest about their role.

    But really idk what the best solution would be with a system that doen't lock down what you can queue for based on class or specialization.
  • Vanya
    Nothing needs to be done and nothing ever will be done unless you hit the heavenly Ignore button or stop creating needless posts about current subject - Tis not about system in place, tis about a fundamental mindset of MMO player-base have not changed in decades. Issue in your case lies similar to other person with again similar thread. Thou have basically also answered your question as well. Scroll down at Captain Obvious your own suggestions. Moving on now I will be open with thee right here, you and rest should stop bothering and leave it , there are more pressing concerns than the Fake , bad tank or Fake healer. Fake often comes also from players that think they are so good and everyone is "noob" "trash" which is masked too so it does not appear so harsh.

    Oh yea, ESO is not an ordinary MMO, just because every other MMO does it , ultimately means not its more effective. Tis one of wrong ways players look at the games and compare little differences , ESO stands out as an unique product in many other aspects too therefore there is no need to compare "what ever other MMO does"
    Edited by Vanya on 14 May 2021 19:52
  • Warstory
    Vanya wrote: »
    Nothing needs to be done and nothing ever will be done unless you hit the heavenly Ignore button or stop creating needless posts about current subject - Tis not about system in place, tis about a fundamental mindset of MMO player-base have not changed in decades. Issue in your case lies similar to other person with again similar thread. You have basically also answered your question as well. Scroll down at Captain Obvious your own suggestions. Moving on now I will be open with you right here, you and rest should stop bothering and leave it , there are more pressing concerns than the Fake , bad tank or Fake healer. Fake often comes also from players that think they are so good and everyone is "noob" "trash"

    Oh yea, ESO is not an ordinary MMO, just because every other MMO does it , ultimately means not its more effective.

    PC NA
  • Soulshine
    The only thing that will change this is the content requirements, not the lfg requirements.

    The game has for years been pushing healers into complete irrelevancy outside of anything other than organized trials and some HMvetDLCs, even then there are still people that argue we are not needed.

    The level of venom directed at us in pugs is off the charts, especially by certain segments of PO wearing dps.

    With tanks it is pushing in the same direction.

    Absolutely everything in the game has been pushing DPS roles as meta, including in pvp or I should say especially in pvp.

    If you want to see real tanks and real healers in content that doesn't require them and then complain they are not around, blame the developers for not making sufficient content where they are needed.
  • TequilaFire
    Yep it is all about 4 DD being able to clear content without a good tank and healer.
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    Put fakers on your ignore list everyone. Let the parties available to them dry up

    If they want to queue as a tank or a healer they should roll one. It's simple enough to do and they might enjoy the class

    Fakers are people who think they're so "special" they shouldn't have to queue like the rest of us

    All the ignore list does is keep you from being able to communicate with people you block. You can still get matched up with them in dungeons and bgs.
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • Everest_Lionheart
    So long as we are talking normal dungeons throw on a taunt and actually taunt or throw on a burst heal for group and actually use it and I don’t care what you queue as. I can easily respec most of my DOS toons in a pinch to run without one or both support roles in group. Some dungeons are worse than others when you can’t hold a boss still and there are zero heals but there isn’t anything that can’t be overcome by playing mechanics.

    Vet dungeons especially DLC different story. Don’t fake tank, it won’t end well for any of us. If you are fake healing give a heads up and a min to the other DPS to respec so we can get a smooth run in. If we are running 3 DPS don’t ask for HM unless we are blowing through the dungeon easily especially if you happen to be one of the DPS on the floor often.
  • Xebov
    Warstory wrote: »
    Every other MMO that has a queue system for dungeons/raids has a way to deal with this. It's to the point now where almost half of the lfg/pugs I do has a fake tank or healer in it, and a lot of the times it's just straight up 4 dps (no taunts and zero heals). I can accept they are bad tanks and healers, no problem. What I can't or won't accept is a dps queuing as a tank or healer just because they somehow think that their time is more valuable and don't want to wait in the queue that dps deal with right now. Vote to kick is not the answer because a fast kick and replacement almost never happens and people would rather just die a whole bunch instead of having to kick/replace/wait for the role to be filled properly. There is no risk or downside to the person queuing into the wrong role other than a slight chance of getting kicked, but even then they can just log onto another character, re-queue (in the wrong role) and end up right back in the group they were just kicked from further wasting the everyone's time... (Why is the kicked timer not account wide, [snip]?)

    Now before a Captain Obvious stats the obvious...
    (Yes, I know I can form my own groups and do.)
    (Yes, I do tank and heal and not just dps in pugs.)
    (Yes, I know I can leave the group at any time.)
    (Yes, I know you can and I have successfully ran 3 and even 4 dps in vet dungeons.)
    These are all band aid solutions to a broken system that only rewards the people who are breaking it.

    So what can be done to fix the problem? I don't know, I'm not a developer and don't know what is and isn't technically possible with the HeroEngine. If possible, the queue system for LFG needs to have a criteria to look for before allowing someone to queue into a certain role.
    Does the person have a taunt on their bar? Check
    Does the person have sufficient health to tank the content that was queued for? Check
    Does the person have the appropriate armor/armor buffs/shields/and cp talents? Check
    If all checks pass, lock the gear/skills/talents in place required for the content and add them to the queue.
    A system like this would allow extra rewards for filling and completing certain roles that are badly needed need in the queue like tank, thus speeding up everyone queue.

    I know there are a lot of different play-styles and builds out there but there needs to be a bare minimum criteria in place to allow someone to queue for certain roles, otherwise little Timmy Turbo is just going to keep abusing the queue and wasting everyone's time. The only other options are to allow reporting and banning of people abusing the queue (first report a warning, second report 24 hour ban), but this would likely be abused it's self. The other option? Just leave it as it is and dumb down all lfg/pug content to allow for a random 4 dps to clear. What I can say for sure is that the LFG experience has progressively gotten worse over the past couple of years and it needs fixed right now.

    Iam a Tank and i play only Tanks for many years across various MMOs.

    You analyze the situation and the best idea you got is to lock the gear and skills of Tanks. So for cases where i have to wait for a couple of minutes in queue i would not be able to do anything besides standing around waiting. Why? Because all my Tank gear and skills are essentially useless outside of Dungeons and Trials.

    You think that players queueing as fakes are egoistic, but your post is not much different. You want your problem solved and you would take Tank and Healer players as collateral. In the same way like most players before you, you are not suggesting any changes that would actually benefit Tank and Healer players so we get more players jumping into that role. Thats the main reason why this issue will never be resolved.
    Real tanks and healers need more incentive to join the que. Give PVE a battle spirit that goes the opposite direction of pvp, where DPS goes up X% when health and mitigation meet some basic requirements. Healers can already dish out a lot of DPS, why can't tanks?

    I wouldn't increase their reward, then you would have even more fakes hopping into the position.

    Real Tanks need more incentive to exist in the first place. Most of the game is cathered towards DDs and while DDs are a majority they are not keen to support Tanks and Healers to have their situation improved throughout the game. The problem is not the queue, its the remaining game outside of Dungeons and Trials.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 28 May 2023 18:24
  • DtOG
    If it didn’t take upwards of an hour for a dps que to pop this wouldn’t even be an issue. Your problem isn’t with the fake tanks it’s with the game itself.
  • EpicHero
    I'd rather have a fake tank, then sit in the queue for 30 minutes.

    So whatever solution you come up with, make it optional, so people who don't really care about it don't get hurt by the solution.
  • Supreme_Atromancer
    Some people don't need a tank or healer to clear the content and will not compromise for anyone else's needs.

    Conversely, some people will try to police everyone to do their role, even when its absolutely not necessary.

    The problem is that everyone has their own needs and priorities and no one wants to compromise. The modus operandi is to force your way on everyone else and when inevitable clashes happen, start acting like an utter jerk, then head over to reddit or the forums to start being passive aggressive and snarky at everyone.

    Pugs are usually a crappy experience. Its not that "people are scary" - its that everyone has their heads stuck up their own butts. Not one in ten pugs will respond to "hey", and there are certain people who literally have their finger hovering over the "leave group" button so that they can ditch the group the milisecond the content completes, utterly minimising any risk of social exchange. They are far *far* too important and edgy for you.

    But everyone's waiting for the tiniest reason to snip at each other. The best you can even hope for is the silent treatment. So much for the amazing social MMO experience.

    Look, I don't think that there is a programming solution to the unwillingness of people to be decent or friendly. Its about the quality of the so-called community. I don't know how that would change, or even if it can, but its absolutely not an issue with the quality of the game, but the quality of the people playing it.

  • Iccotak
    DtOG wrote: »
    If it didn’t take upwards of an hour for a dps que to pop this wouldn’t even be an issue. Your problem isn’t with the fake tanks it’s with the game itself.

    Well it really comes down to the players - most people play DPS, not Tanks or Healers. Most People want to be the damage dealers, not the support roles. So that leads to a large gap in queue time between DPS and Support roles

    also Normal & Veteran Random Dungeon Queue should have different Rewards! Veteran is harder - it should have more XP and more/better stuff in the exploration supplies!


    Edited by Iccotak on 14 May 2021 22:29
  • hexnotic
    i’ve done all of the dungeons too many times, so now when i get a fake role in my dungeon queue i just see it as an added challenge
    Edited by hexnotic on 14 May 2021 22:09
  • Sheezabeast
    ZOS could put this issue to bed by requiring that every new player under level 10 go through a tutorial where they get taught what each role is and what they do in a simulation. Just like the Coldharbour tutorial where they teach you how to block and whatnot...they could teach you what tank means, what aggro means, what buff and debuff means, what pulling means, what working as a team means, what the role of a DD is with the healer and tank, what the healer does....BUT NOOOOOOOOO ZOS refuses to teach the fundamentals, because who knows why.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • Iccotak
    ZOS could put this issue to bed by requiring that every new player under level 10 go through a tutorial where they get taught what each role is and what they do in a simulation. Just like the Coldharbour tutorial where they teach you how to block and whatnot...they could teach you what tank means, what aggro means, what buff and debuff means, what pulling means, what working as a team means, what the role of a DD is with the healer and tank, what the healer does....BUT NOOOOOOOOO ZOS refuses to teach the fundamentals, because who knows why.

    also the normal overland combat gameplay is so simple and bland that players never need to know any of those skills - there are no situations where they need to use them.
  • CleymenZero
    Warstory wrote: »
    Every other MMO that has a queue system for dungeons/raids has a way to deal with this. It's to the point now where almost half of the lfg/pugs I do has a fake tank or healer in it, and a lot of the times it's just straight up 4 dps (no taunts and zero heals). I can accept they are bad tanks and healers, no problem. What I can't or won't accept is a dps queuing as a tank or healer just because they somehow think that their time is more valuable and don't want to wait in the queue that dps deal with right now. Vote to kick is not the answer because a fast kick and replacement almost never happens and people would rather just die a whole bunch instead of having to kick/replace/wait for the role to be filled properly. There is no risk or downside to the person queuing into the wrong role other than a slight chance of getting kicked, but even then they can just log onto another character, re-queue (in the wrong role) and end up right back in the group they were just kicked from further wasting the everyone's time... (Why is the kicked timer not account wide, [snip]?)

    Now before a Captain Obvious stats the obvious...
    (Yes, I know I can form my own groups and do.)
    (Yes, I do tank and heal and not just dps in pugs.)
    (Yes, I know I can leave the group at any time.)
    (Yes, I know you can and I have successfully ran 3 and even 4 dps in vet dungeons.)
    These are all band aid solutions to a broken system that only rewards the people who are breaking it.

    So what can be done to fix the problem? I don't know, I'm not a developer and don't know what is and isn't technically possible with the HeroEngine. If possible, the queue system for LFG needs to have a criteria to look for before allowing someone to queue into a certain role.
    Does the person have a taunt on their bar? Check
    Does the person have sufficient health to tank the content that was queued for? Check
    Does the person have the appropriate armor/armor buffs/shields/and cp talents? Check
    If all checks pass, lock the gear/skills/talents in place required for the content and add them to the queue.
    A system like this would allow extra rewards for filling and completing certain roles that are badly needed need in the queue like tank, thus speeding up everyone queue.

    I know there are a lot of different play-styles and builds out there but there needs to be a bare minimum criteria in place to allow someone to queue for certain roles, otherwise little Timmy Turbo is just going to keep abusing the queue and wasting everyone's time. The only other options are to allow reporting and banning of people abusing the queue (first report a warning, second report 24 hour ban), but this would likely be abused it's self. The other option? Just leave it as it is and dumb down all lfg/pug content to allow for a random 4 dps to clear. What I can say for sure is that the LFG experience has progressively gotten worse over the past couple of years and it needs fixed right now.

    There is no timer for someone who has been kicked.

    If you want more tanks in queue, punishing them by locking their skills and gear isnt really going to entice them. Fake tanks arent displacing real tanks. They fill a vacuum.

    If youre going to set limits and restrictions on what my tank can wear and their abilities, wouldnt it also be fair to set a minimum on damage as well?

    Rnd are already dumbed down to the point that 4 dds can complete them. Its why this conversation happens.

    This x1000.

    I've never made a post about bad dps queuing as dps. The point is they can't fulfill their role and actually might do their job even less than the fake tank. The fake tank tends to actually do damage.

    I don't see the point of complaining about it, the fake tanks, the fake dps (basically healing the adds and bosses at that point) and the "I'm a healer with low HPS and the only buff in gonna provide is a horn in between 2 add pulls" healers have a right to play just as much as anyone else even though they're not fulfilling their role.

    I just take it upon myself to compensate for their lack of skills.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 28 May 2023 18:25
  • Vercingetorix
    This problem is never going to go away until ZoS fixes the REAL underlying issue: Playing as a tank in ESO feels like a punishment. As a result, very few real tanks exist in queue.

    When a player sees that every piece of content outside of dungeons and trials is a painful experience to go through as a tank character, they are de-incentivized to be a tank in the first place. Give tanks more HP-scaling attacks so they can clear other content with basic (not competitive) DPS values and not feel incomplete. This is all Zos’ fault for pushing all content towards requiring DPS specs for everything. If you want more support players in queue, then the game needs to help incentivize that playstyle.
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • KalyanLazair
    This problem is never going to go away until ZoS fixes the REAL underlying issue: Playing as a tank in ESO feels like a punishment. As a result, very few real tanks exist in queue.

    When a player sees that every piece of content outside of dungeons and trials is a painful experience to go through as a tank character, they are de-incentivized to be a tank in the first place. Give tanks more HP-scaling attacks so they can clear other content with basic (not competitive) DPS values and not feel incomplete. This is all Zos’ fault for pushing all content towards requiring DPS specs for everything. If you want more support players in queue, then the game needs to help incentivize that playstyle.

    I really agree with this. I have one tank, and she's going to become a DD because doing questing and other content with her is a nightmare. She was doing great as a tank but when I can just vaporize mobs with a DD like it's no big deal, playing a tank solo feels like traveling through slime.
  • AlienMagi
    Vanya wrote: »
    Nothing needs to be done and nothing ever will be done

    Youre part of the problem.
  • AcadianPaladin
    I don't mind pugging as a healer because my healer is all about following and reacting to whatever her group does. Healing is reactive by nature and works fine in a pug.

    I won't pug as a tank though. Tanking is proactive and pugs won't reliably follow my lead, let me pull, allow a moment to discuss tactics before a big fight. . . .
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • DarcyMardin
    Most of my characters are either real healers or real tanks, but I rarely queue for randoms because I don’t want to be rushed through the dungeons by impatient gamers who ignore people who are doing quests or helping new players learn the mechanics. I have zero interest in zipping through a dungeon at top speed, skipping mobs and sometimes bosses, because some folks want to collect as many crystals as they possibly can. I’d rather go mend walls in Cyrodiil for crystals, and I hate PvP.
  • Indigogo
    There's many layers to the lack of tanks. For me, I stopped because the quality of the dds was just abysmal, as was dealing with the rudeness of people running ahead and ruining pulls, making things slower and more frustrating.

    The skill gap is too high, the nerfs too severe and the casual, lower end of players gets worse and worse.

  • Solid_Metal
    honestly imho theres nothing the dev can do with it, unless ZoS want to make clear cut class for tank/healer and only those class can be queue as tank/healer, which is not viable

    well....theres other way, ZoS could make the queue to detect if the character equip frost staff/1h and shield for tank or at least 1 restoration staff for healer

    but still this not necessarily means there will be no fake role tho, they can just equip it but never really use skill from those weapons
    "i will walk through the fog, as i welcome death"
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