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Official Discussion Thread for "Loremaster’s Archive—Mehrunes Dagon & Daedra in the Second Era"

This is the official discussion thread for the blog article "Loremaster’s Archive—Mehrunes Dagon & Daedra in the Second Era"

Lyranth the Foolkiller returns to bestow her knowledge upon those who seek to know more about Mehrunes Dagon and the Daedra during Tamriel’s Second Era.
Staff Post
  • opaj
    Rather than pondering the stars’ alleged role in Dagon’s birth, you might consider their other failures. Is there anything so low as a Magna Ge? Say what you will about Mundus’s creators—at least they displayed conviction. What greater exercise of will exists than to die in pursuit of an impossible goal? But not the star-whelps and their cowardly sovereign. When matters turned dire, they simply fled! We will never know what might have been achieved had Magnus and his legions remained to finish their work. If they did have some hand in Dagon’s emergence, is it any wonder that he embodies destruction?

    The Spellwright often finds her thoughts traveling along a similar path. She never has quite understood the reverence many of her fellow Bretons show for the cowardly Sun God.
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