Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Companion Customization is Lacking, Making this Chapter a Pass for Me

  • Elsonso
    Xebov wrote: »
    What we instead get are 5-10k DPS that die from agroing the most basic of NPCs while they come with gear and skillsystems that require alot of efford to improve them while they are unable to kill anything.

    The main difference here is that a player that does 5-10k DPS can still learn to take down just about any overland mob, and even delve mobs and bosses.

    It isn't about DPS. It's about not dying.

    Edited by Elsonso on 11 May 2021 00:02
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Hydra9268
    In Guild Wars 1 a person could get mercenaries where you could change their gear and weapons but you couldn't change their appearance, although their appearance did change based on gear worn. If this is the current system in ESO, then I'm fine with it.
    Edited by Hydra9268 on 11 May 2021 00:07
  • cyberjanet
    Much as I was excited by the companions, and much as I usually pre-purchase the chapters regardless, I too am skipping this one for now. I'll wait till it becomes cheaper, goes onto DLC or any or all of the following:

    1) When my Ebon one-handed drops. This has more chance of happening now than getting any decent companion armour drops, despite my having tried to get one for nearly a year or possible longer. If I have to rely on my RNG to get companion armour - no, just no. I am really not that masochist.

    2) When I've got to know Kyne's Aegis. I'm in a guild that does trials once a week, and we never do this one. Not going to Rockgrove until I know at least something about Kyne's Aegis. I don't need another trial I'll never get to do because only elite players and vet progression groups go there.

    3) When I finish vMA. I've been on the final arena for about 4 years. Just when I think I'm getting somewhere, my build or the armour or something gets nerfed because more powerful players find everything OP. Trying again will probably keep me occupied right through the entire chapter year, and even then I might not be successful.

    4) When I see companion armour drop to a reasonable price in the guild traders, or simply become craftable with ordinary materials. Housing and Jewellery were ruined for me by the scarcity of materials and the ridiculous prices. Why does it cost five times more to furnish a house than to buy one? RNG and me - we never got along. It's not gonna happen now.

    Yes, it does the mean the guild won't get the new armour sets in the guild hall straight off, but crafting is so undervalued in the game, do we really need them?

    Yes, I am discouraged.
    Favourite NPC: Wine-For-All
    Mostly PC-EU , with a lonely little guy on NA.
  • Lugaldu
    cyberjanet wrote: »
    Why does it cost five times more to furnish a house than to buy one?

    Exactly for this reason - people should rather buy a furnished house than furnish it themselves for free.

  • GrumpyDuckling
    Sergykid wrote: »
    guys you are not getting slaves. They are other people that over time become your friends. They don't have to do anything for you, including visuals.

    If that's what you want then you can just roleplay companions as stubborn individuals who don't want to wear a helmet and prefer terrible gear.

    No reason to prevent the rest of us from preferring the OPTION to give our companions a cool helmet and fun sets.
  • Sevn
    Cireous wrote: »
    This is just the first iteration of companions. Breathe, people. Change may come slowly, but this game never ceases to evolve. I don't believe for a second that companions won't do so as well.

    While I agree they most likely will evolve in time I have zero interest in paying to be a beta tester. Paying for an incomplete product without any clue to it's future sends the wrong message imo.
    Edited by Sevn on 11 May 2021 19:21
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • generalmyrick
    Being companions get one-shot at first boss in nFG1 I don't think anything could make them op. Maybe player gear would make them slightly useful for the 5 seconds they're alive...
    Letting companions use normal gear sets would make them overpowered and broken in a lot of ways

    I don't understand why people think this. How could companions, who stand in red and have cooldowns on their skills, be overpowered and broken wearing the exact same sets that players have access to?

    So let's say you put a lot of Pet gear on a companion and you wore your own. You'd have a Morkuldin' Sword floating around fighting for you and so would your companion! You'd have a Monster Helm combating Dremora pet summon and so would your companion. Starting to see the picture here?

    And this... makes them overpowered? That sounds more like fun, and still far less effective than another competent player doing the same exact thing.

    yes, humans can already do this so people who would like to have this kind of fun can now have it too without having to guild up, friend folks, pander to them, pay dues, etc.
    "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:

    Knowledge, freedom, uncertainty and the brutal truths of reality (red pill)
    Security, happiness, beauty, and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)"

    Insight to Agree to Awesome Ratio = 1:6.04:2.76 as of 1/25/2019

    Compared to people that I've ignored = I am 18% more insightful, 20% less agreeable, and 88% more awesome.
  • generalmyrick
    Everstorm wrote: »
    My main interest for new content is always the zone itself and the quests. But I was very much looking forward to customize the companions and put regular armor sets on them and take them into normal dungeons. So this is shaping up to a very disappointing feature. I hope the Endeavor system saves some grace.

    It baffles me how disconnected the dev teams seems to be from the playerbase.

    yeah! would be really fun!

    imp physique, give your companion 10k tel var? yeah? ahahahahaha! would be cool.
    "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:

    Knowledge, freedom, uncertainty and the brutal truths of reality (red pill)
    Security, happiness, beauty, and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)"

    Insight to Agree to Awesome Ratio = 1:6.04:2.76 as of 1/25/2019

    Compared to people that I've ignored = I am 18% more insightful, 20% less agreeable, and 88% more awesome.
  • TelvanniWizard
    Sergykid wrote: »
    guys you are not getting slaves. They are other people that over time become your friends. They don't have to do anything for you, including visuals.

    If that's what you want then you can just roleplay companions as stubborn individuals who don't want to wear a helmet and prefer terrible gear.

    No reason to prevent the rest of us from preferring the OPTION to give our companions a cool helmet and fun sets.

    Exactly this. If more customisation was added, it wouldn't be mandatory, just an option. I guess some people would even play with the vanilla companions, but giving the option for us who wouldn't is, imho, the coolest possibility.
  • Elsonso
    Sergykid wrote: »
    guys you are not getting slaves. They are other people that over time become your friends. They don't have to do anything for you, including visuals.

    If that's what you want then you can just roleplay companions as stubborn individuals who don't want to wear a helmet and prefer terrible gear.

    No reason to prevent the rest of us from preferring the OPTION to give our companions a cool helmet and fun sets.

    I see a lot of people mention the "make it an option" compromise here on the forums. Let me ask you this...

    Why should ZOS take time out from their development work to create an OPTION to show or hide the companion head gear? I mean, they clearly have a solid reason for not showing the head gear, even if equipped. If they add an option, this voids whatever reason they have for this limitation, and it becomes something that they should test for regressions from now until the end of the game. It costs them time and money to add the feature. It costs them time and money to test the feature, possibly with every patch and update.

    Is showing companion head gear so important to the game that it demands this level of special attention?

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Lugaldu
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Is showing companion head gear so important to the game that it demands this level of special attention?

    I guess the main issue is simply that nobody wants to see the same (two) faces walking around everywhere.

  • VaranisArano
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Sergykid wrote: »
    guys you are not getting slaves. They are other people that over time become your friends. They don't have to do anything for you, including visuals.

    If that's what you want then you can just roleplay companions as stubborn individuals who don't want to wear a helmet and prefer terrible gear.

    No reason to prevent the rest of us from preferring the OPTION to give our companions a cool helmet and fun sets.

    I see a lot of people mention the "make it an option" compromise here on the forums. Let me ask you this...

    Why should ZOS take time out from their development work to create an OPTION to show or hide the companion head gear? I mean, they clearly have a solid reason for not showing the head gear, even if equipped. If they add an option, this voids whatever reason they have for this limitation, and it becomes something that they should test for regressions from now until the end of the game. It costs them time and money to add the feature. It costs them time and money to test the feature, possibly with every patch and update.

    Is showing companion head gear so important to the game that it demands this level of special attention?

    Honestly? ZOS had a reason, but this wouldn't be the first time they've had a reason for something and had to go back and add a much desired feature due to feedback.

    To be blunt, they made everything else about companion outfits customizable. Its possible for Companions to wear any player outfit or costume...except that they hide their helmets and any face coverings. I find it very hard to believe that somehow ZOS enabled boots, belts, chests, pants, arms guards, and shoulders...and somehow cannot enable helmets without it being a massive ordeal. Or consider costumes, which are one entire outfit, headgear included, which is then modified by the Hide Helmet option. Unless we think that ZOS created a whole new "companion version" of the outfit which lacks a head covering, it's far more likely that they just have a permanent "Hide Helmet" effect on Companions. (And if ZOS really did recreate companion versions of costumes and outfits, then I have questions about redundancies in their design choices.)

    ZOS' given reason isn't a technical one. Everything they've said is that it's an ideological reason designed to get us to identify with the specific characters. Add in a side note of getting to sell companions of other races later.

    If ZOS designed Companions properly - as opposed to taking shortcuts with head coverings because they thought "Oh, we're not allowing players to use head coverings so they get to know Bastian and Mirri" - then it shouldn't be some massive undertaking costing prohibitive amounts of time and money to change.

    I don't expect to see this feature this update, but I won't be surprised if ZOS has taken notes about it and we'll see the ability to alter the head slot in the future. Once it goes Live and players who aren't active on the forums realize the limitations, I suspect ZOS will have much more feedback about the desire for head coverings.

    If there IS a technical limitation which ZOS hasn't shared, then my speculation is null and void. But if that's the case, then I have new reason to be disappointed in the decidedly underbaked nature of Companions. ZOS seems to have rushed them into production for this year's chapter and I don't think it's a good start for what's likely to be a recurring feature of ESO. I fully expect to see a lot of adjustments to them in the coming updates because ZOS does not appear to have fully thought them through, done a so-so job of assessing what their playerbase wants from a companion, has executed the combat AI poorly, failed to adequately test predictably performance concerns, and seems to be following the playbook of "Let it go Live, then balance it afterwards."

    Give it a year or two, and I'd be surprised if ZOS hasn't given us the option to have head coverings for our Companions.
  • AngryLorekeeper
    Considering Mac players can't even have pets right now because of the crashes, having a companion is completely useless. ZOS is going to have to fix the problems that Mac players are currently having before I would even consider buying the new chapter.
  • LalMirchi
    Considering Mac players can't even have pets right now because of the crashes, having a companion is completely useless. ZOS is going to have to fix the problems that Mac players are currently having before I would even consider buying the new chapter.

    I'm doing my dungeons and daily undaunteds on me Mac right now, what's the problem?
  • Elsonso
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Sergykid wrote: »
    guys you are not getting slaves. They are other people that over time become your friends. They don't have to do anything for you, including visuals.

    If that's what you want then you can just roleplay companions as stubborn individuals who don't want to wear a helmet and prefer terrible gear.

    No reason to prevent the rest of us from preferring the OPTION to give our companions a cool helmet and fun sets.

    I see a lot of people mention the "make it an option" compromise here on the forums. Let me ask you this...

    Why should ZOS take time out from their development work to create an OPTION to show or hide the companion head gear? I mean, they clearly have a solid reason for not showing the head gear, even if equipped. If they add an option, this voids whatever reason they have for this limitation, and it becomes something that they should test for regressions from now until the end of the game. It costs them time and money to add the feature. It costs them time and money to test the feature, possibly with every patch and update.

    Is showing companion head gear so important to the game that it demands this level of special attention?

    ZOS' given reason isn't a technical one. Everything they've said is that it's an ideological reason designed to get us to identify with the specific characters. Add in a side note of getting to sell companions of other races later.

    Yes, and this makes it much more unlikely for them to ever change it. Think perfected arena weapons.

    However, I am talking about the suggestion to selectively add an option to turn it on or off at player demand. This is time and effort, above and beyond both leaving it as it is and enabling the head gear for everyone. As with any feature, it is also an ongoing cost, again, above the cost of just doing one of the two. This is even the case when they use the outfit hide head gear which already exists for players, but not for companions.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • AllegedParadigm
    I haven't tested companions myself. I will probably use them when I quest and that's it. I hear they r pretty weak and the lack of customization does make me a little disappointed.
    PC/NA August 2020 | PvP Nerd, Housing Enthusiast, Completionist
    Koritha Larethian | AR50 High Elf Necromancer
    Yaeli al-Iskour | AR27 Redguard Templar
  • VoxAdActa
    The ONLY thing I wanted a companion for was to have a duo partner for normal group dungeons, and someone who would stand on the pressure plate in Direfrost so I didn't have to PUG pledges anymore ever.

    From what I'm hearing, the companion is only helpful to people who have trouble with overland content and delves? Who on earth needs a partner for delves? Is it that much of the playerbase that ZOS is making a difficulty-reducer just for them?
  • GrumpyDuckling
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Sergykid wrote: »
    guys you are not getting slaves. They are other people that over time become your friends. They don't have to do anything for you, including visuals.

    If that's what you want then you can just roleplay companions as stubborn individuals who don't want to wear a helmet and prefer terrible gear.

    No reason to prevent the rest of us from preferring the OPTION to give our companions a cool helmet and fun sets.

    Why should ZOS take time out from their development work to create an OPTION to show or hide the companion head gear?

    Because players want the option to have their companions wear helmets.
  • kirgeo
    Don't mean to interject into a different thread, but what is this valid reason ZOS gave for not making the toggle helmet an option?
    I am genuinely curious.
    Haven't looked into it much since I heard they were fixed characters and pretty much useless for the average player in gameplay.
  • Elsonso
    kirgeo wrote: »
    Don't mean to interject into a different thread, but what is this valid reason ZOS gave for not making the toggle helmet an option?
    I am genuinely curious.

    For not having a toggle? I don't think they gave a reason. As @VaranisArano suggested, the reason for not showing the helmet is likely related to a "connection with the companion" goal that they have. I doubt it will change. By the third PTS drop, ZOS is usually entrenched like a tick on a dog. :smile:
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Why should ZOS take time out from their development work to create an OPTION to show or hide the companion head gear?

    Because players want the option to have their companions wear helmets.

    What I figure is that this is nowhere near compelling enough for them to spend time making it happen. Nothing comes for free. Whatever reason kicks them off their pedestal and allows them to change the head gear will be compelling enough to justify whatever cost is associated with the change.

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • GrumpyDuckling
    Elsonso wrote: »
    kirgeo wrote: »
    Don't mean to interject into a different thread, but what is this valid reason ZOS gave for not making the toggle helmet an option?
    I am genuinely curious.

    For not having a toggle? I don't think they gave a reason. As @VaranisArano suggested, the reason for not showing the helmet is likely related to a "connection with the companion" goal that they have. I doubt it will change. By the third PTS drop, ZOS is usually entrenched like a tick on a dog. :smile:
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Why should ZOS take time out from their development work to create an OPTION to show or hide the companion head gear?

    Because players want the option to have their companions wear helmets.

    What I figure is that this is nowhere near compelling enough for them to spend time making it happen. Nothing comes for free. Whatever reason kicks them off their pedestal and allows them to change the head gear will be compelling enough to justify whatever cost is associated with the change.

    I doubt it's a "time" issue. Someone at ZOS made the decision to exclude the option for players to put helmets on companions -- and they likely just don't care about the feedback we're providing.
  • Zenzuki
    VoxAdActa wrote: »
    The ONLY thing I wanted a companion for was to have a duo partner for normal group dungeons, and someone who would stand on the pressure plate in Direfrost so I didn't have to PUG pledges anymore ever. ...

    Yeah, I'm not so bothered by the helmet thing. But the inability of them to stand on a pressure plate, is the bigger dealbreaker for me!?!

    If they can't sort out how to find the ^%$# thing, let me at least spawn them on it and tell them to stay put.

    Not even concerned about their dps (though I hope ZOS adjusts this in future), I'll kill everything as I do now solo, just stay alive beyond a few hits and we're good.

    The only thing I can't do solo, is split into pieces and stand on multiple plates. And ZOS is telling us they're giving us companions to help run things we maybe can't currently do. This ain't hitting the mark ZOS.
    Can Open...
  • Draka46
    kirgeo wrote: »
    Don't mean to interject into a different thread, but what is this valid reason ZOS gave for not making the toggle helmet an option?
    I am genuinely curious.

    I don't know if they've elaborated on their reasons on Twitter or Reddit, but at least during the "Companions Developer Deep Dive" stream on Bethesda's twitch channel, lead systems designer Philip Draven answered a question about the headgear thing with:
    < "You can equip helmets, but they're not going to display. This is again one of those elements of trying to balance the, letting you customize them to a larger degree, but still allowing them to maintain some identity so they're not kinda just armored, you know, automatons in the background." > (timestamp: 01:07:50 - 01:08:10)
    Edited by Draka46 on 13 May 2021 08:54
  • Lugaldu
    Draka46 wrote: »
    I don't know if they've elaborated on their reasons on Twitter or Reddit, but at least during the "Companions Developer Deep Dive" stream on Bethesda's twitch channel, lead systems designer Philip Draven answered a question about the headgear thing with:
    < "You can equip helmets, but they're not going to display. This is again one of those elements of trying to balance the, letting you customize them to a larger degree, but still allowing them to maintain some identity so they're not kinda just armored, you know, automatons in the background." > (timestamp: 01:07:50 - 01:08:10)

    The argument with the helmets and the automatons is understandable, but what "damage" occurs if you give your companion a different hairstyle or put on a hat? That is really not understandable.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Can I have an armoured automaton, please.
    PC EU
  • Elsonso
    Zenzuki wrote: »
    The only thing I can't do solo, is split into pieces and stand on multiple plates. And ZOS is telling us they're giving us companions to help run things we maybe can't currently do. This ain't hitting the mark ZOS.

    Honestly, I think that is more of a situation specific to you, and others of the same skill. If you can run solo to the point where you need a companion to step on a plate, because that is your final blocker preventing you from absolute rulership of Tamriel :smile: , then you really don't need a companion. You are well above the target audience for the companions. ZOS is not aiming for you.

    If you can already do some, or most, content solo, then a companion is not going to be helpful.

    My testing suggests that they will be useful for low to middle skill players doing overland, delve, and dungeon content. This is likely where the bulk of the ESO players reside. For that group, they are not so powerful that they will carry the player, but are not so weak that they serve no purpose. I think that this is what ZOS is aiming for.

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • ADarklore
    Even with all the negative nancies, I'm still super excited about companions. After reading many of these threads and others out there, it makes me wonder if a lot of these "die too easily", "no damage", etc... are due to 'user error'? It reminds me of "Squadrons" in FFXIV. I constantly read threads of people complaining how useless they were, how weak, how they always died... and yet, I invested a lot of time learning how to properly utilize them... and they never died, I never died because they didn't heal, I never failed a dungeon with them. It just proved to me that some people just don't bother to take the time to learn how to use them properly, yet were quick to blame everything else but themselves for the failures. As for companions, I haven't tested them on PTS, but based on many YouTube vids I have seen, there are many out there showing them being quite successful and NOT dying. So it makes me wonder again... user error?!?

    There are tons of things to learn with these companions, including which skills, which order to use them in, leveling, gear, etc. All the complaints about low damage, constant dying, could very well be people not understanding how to utilize them properly. After all, they did give both companions a ranged weapon to start with- this should be a big clue that you should be keeping them at range until you have much better equipment and higher level skills. <hint hint> Yet, with that being said, NO, they are not going to be equal to another player... and are not meant for high end content... so I have no expectations of them being OP or even close.

    I do believe ZOS wants players to invest a LOT of time into developing their companions... after all... they are targeted towards RPers and solo players who don't want to play with others. I think this is the reason for the gear and leveling grind, but ultimately it's about learning to accept your companion as your virtual BFF!! I think this is also why they aren't allowing certain customization's... we don't go out into the real world and say, "Oh hey, I want you to be my new BFF, but I want you to wear this helmet at all times, I also want to design your hair, give you some tattoos... because I really don't care who you really are, I just want to make you into what "I" want." Well, that's not how 'real life' works and that's not how ZOS wants to implement companions... they aren't YOURS, they are their own person... which is why they can walk away from you if you make them mad.

    From what I've been reading, most players seem to have expected companions to be a 'fire and forget' battle pet... and that's exactly the opposite of how ZOS wants them viewed. Also keep in mind, Matt Firor unequivocally stated that ESO is NOT an MMO, but is an 'online RPG'... so they are well aware they have a high number of players who do not engage in group content or never play with others. THESE PLAYERS are the true target of companions... players who want a companion but do not want to play with other people. I am definitely in this group, which is why I am very thankful to ZOS for adding a cool QoL feature for us anti-social solo players. :smile:

    Personally, I don't really care how much damage they can do, I can pretty much do everything solo anyway... for me, companions is about just that, a cool companion to wander Tamriel with so I don't always feel so 'alone'. Before people jump in about 'playing with others'... 1) a companion is always available no matter what time of day I play, 2) a companion will always want to do what I want to do, 3) they don't whine and complain if they die, 4) they won't get mad when I ignore them because I hate chatting when I'm focusing on a quest or battle, 5) if I only want to log on for a few minutes, or a long 12 hours, they don't care because they are willing to play for as long as I'm available, 6) if I log on and just want to work on farming mats, they won't get mad because I don't want to help them. I get enough socializing at work, when I get home and want to relax, the last thing I want to deal with is online drama.

    I do hope that ZOS gives a solution to the inventory issue, however... I know this will be an issue for some people. Personally, I have so much storage space it's not really an issue for me. Speaking of gear, I know many have complained about the gear grind, but like I said, ZOS wants this to be about spending time with your companion and SLOWLY gearing them up over time. I do hope, however, that they put the higher level companion gear drops with LOWER level bosses! I mean, if they were to put the best drops with bosses in high level group dungeons, it would actually go against the entire reason for the companions in the first place. Clearly if you are playing and finishing high level dungeons, then you probably aren't going to be using companions anyway.

    We shall see how this all pans out. I know they were also discussed adding a 'romance' option to the companions in the future, and, no doubt, they will also be adding more companions over time; Crown Store exclusives perhaps?

    Anyway, I just wanted to add my two cents since this entire thread seems to be filled with negative opinions, so I wanted to be one of the few voices who are still very much looking forward to Companions. :wink:
    Edited by ADarklore on 17 May 2021 01:33
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • GrumpyDuckling
    ADarklore wrote: »
    Even with all the negative nancies, I'm still super excited about companions. After reading many of these threads and others out there...

    Anyway, I just wanted to add my two cents since this entire thread seems to be filled with negative opinions, so I wanted to be one of the few voices who are still very much looking forward to Companions. :wink:

    The entire point of the thread is that ZOS' companion system came up short in the two key areas that I appreciate most about ESO:

    Build variety and customizable appearance.

    If ZOS would just let us equip our companions with the hundreds of existing sets that already exist in the game (instead of boring, watered-down gear) and give us the option to have their helmets appear, then threads like this wouldn't exist.
  • Selminus
    What I most desired with the Companion System was 1) to equip companions with any of the hundreds of fun/unique gear sets that already exist in the game, and 2) the ability to FULLY customize my Companion's appearance. Instead, the Companion system forces us to equip our followers with bland gear, and we don't even have the OPTION to let our companion wear a helmet or hood.

    These decisions are a major blow to the two areas I appreciate most in ESO -- build variety and customizable appearance. I assume it's too late for this feedback to matter (maybe the helmet/hood thing could still be changed), but seeing how lackluster our companion gearing options are has almost entirely deflated my interest in this system and the chapter. Does anyone else feel this way?

    Totally agree. No idea why ZoS always needs to take the wheel with these and housing NPCs. Overall, most of them are not desirable. Tythus is outright awful. Imagine the creativity and combinations available in this sector. C0mpany needs to change position on this. If people make crude companions, ban them. I can't imagine any other reasons.
  • Kiyakotari
    Elsonso wrote: »
    kirgeo wrote: »
    Don't mean to interject into a different thread, but what is this valid reason ZOS gave for not making the toggle helmet an option?
    I am genuinely curious.

    For not having a toggle? I don't think they gave a reason. As @VaranisArano suggested, the reason for not showing the helmet is likely related to a "connection with the companion" goal that they have. I doubt it will change. By the third PTS drop, ZOS is usually entrenched like a tick on a dog. :smile:

    I doubt it's a "time" issue. Someone at ZOS made the decision to exclude the option for players to put helmets on companions -- and they likely just don't care about the feedback we're providing.
    Agreed, I think this is another case of "someone at ZOS made a decision, and rather than listen to negative player feedback about that decision or explain any of their reasoning for the decision, which might help players understand and accept it, they're just sticking by it in stubborn silence."

    We circle 'round to the ZOS communication being at the core of the problem again, like it so often is.
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