Aside from the barbed trap, its also a fully ranged build too. Very nice to see a bow bow build that's viable, at least with single target. Could probably use dressing room to put on trash killing sets to make up for it when needed.
Is this a static rotation or dynamic? If so any comments as to what it is?
And I saw a channeled acceleration but no "Mention" of it, not sure how much DPS that added, but a great idea for pre-buff if you can get it off.
@Blackstar242 Yes, that is a useful trick for builds that have Barbed Trap in a static rotation, but cannot fit it in their initial burst. I do the same on Warden and it adds about 300 DPS because I’d otherwise be lacking Minor Force for about the first 20s of a 3 1/2 minute fight. I could see the Accel prebuff adding closer to 500 DPS on some builds, but it’s never a massive difference.