Minnesinger wrote: »Good luck selling the rewards for the campaign. You work hard 7 to 30 days to get sets that none is interested in. Deco...Wonder how many gold items are deconstructed for the pure fact they basicly worth that much what they drop.
Luckylancer wrote: »They are PvP sets that are rewarded to PvPers. But now we cant use them in PvP. It cant get more ironic. Dont get me wrong they were always bad but now they are officially bad. Developers should realise this and improve this situation.
I think those 19 enabled sets should drop, maybe except DLC dungeon sets for ZoS reasons. Personaly I am ok with alliance potion drops too.
What do you think?
[Edited to remove Bashing]
I didn't realise this was going to be another no-proc complaint thread, I thought it was going to be about how these sets are genuinely trash.
I've always thought at the very least ALL PvP sets should drop with equal RNG in RotW.
Sandman929 wrote: »When it was Transmutation, Vicious Death, etc...they got old, but the sets weren't as bad. The current crop started out bad, and now they're also old.