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PS4 NA player Error 307 Booted from server everyday in Daggerfall


For the last 2 days I’ve been constantly booted from my normal PS4 NA server after doing crafts.

My character name is Breeanai.

Anyone else this is happening to? It seems I’m always in Daggerfall when it happens.

Edited by ZOS_Bill on 24 December 2020 18:20
  • OmenRIP
    OmenRIP wrote: »

    For the last 2 days I’ve been constantly booted from my normal PS4 NA server after doing crafts. In addition, when I can log back in, the splash screen says I’m on the PS4 EU server!

    My character name is Breeanai.

    Anyone else this is happening to? It seems I’m in Daggerfall when it happens.


    Got booted again in Glenumbra. But when I got back in, the splash screen says PS4 NA. Still being booted.

    Edited by OmenRIP on 18 December 2020 13:33
  • OmenRIP
    Just booted again from Daggerfall. Time 8:30 am est 12/18/2020.

    This is getting very frustrating 🤬 There’s hardly any people in Daggerfall now.
  • ZOS_Bill
    When this happens again, besides waiting 10 minutes you should power-cycle your PS4. Afterwards try crafting and see if you still get disconnected with Error 307.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • OmenRIP
    Thanks. I’ll try that. I’ve given up alchemy since I always get booted as soon as I’m done crafting potions. It’s usually in about 3-4 minutes or so. I’ll get booted riding back from the alchemy station or selling my crafted potions to the vendor. I do make dozens at a time, but I’ve never get booted from the server doing anything else except creating alchemy potions. I do have a lot of alchemy mats on my character, but I’m sure others have even more.

    I’ve also noticed that when I start up my pocket merchant to sell my potions, I’ll get a message that says something like “inventory is not ready”. When I get that message, I know I’m going to crash soon.

    The other crafts never cause any problems.
    Edited by OmenRIP on 24 December 2020 23:38
  • OmenRIP
    Just got booted on error 307 in the middle of creating potions. I had restarted the PS4 before starting eso. Luckily I’m done with alchemy.

    For additional info, after I got back on from being booted, I crafted about 10 potions and sold them to the merchant. Then went directly to Elden Root Undaunted camp to get pledges. When I went to the wayshrine there I got booted ec307. My character must be bugged with alchemy.
    Edited by OmenRIP on 25 December 2020 17:04
  • SeekerAssassin
    The only time this has happened to me is when i was learning the Traits of alchemy ingredients quickly (using a guide)
  • Lixiviant
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »
    When this happens again, besides waiting 10 minutes you should power-cycle your PS4. Afterwards try crafting and see if you still get disconnected with Error 307.

    Just started getting this today (after 6 years of no problems). Same issue of having a Daggerfall toon working on potions.
    PS4/PS5/NA - And now EU

    Daedroth might bite, just letting you know
  • OmenRIP
    Low and behold. I started leveling provisioning and the same thing happened. Error 307 🤬.

    Just got back into the game. I was selling the provisions I made to my assistant and I went back to the cooking fire and looked at my recipes. I was booted from the server before I could make anything 😱🤬.
    Edited by OmenRIP on 18 February 2021 16:12
  • ZOS_Bill

    Is it only provisioning that triggers your character to get disconnected from ESO?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • OmenRIP
    Provisioning and alchemy. Other crafting does not kick me off the server. Maybe ESO thinks I’m spamming commands? IDK
  • SeekerAssassin
    Its happened to me too when learning traits for alchemy ingredients quickly. Ps4 NA
  • OmenRIP
    Provisioning bug struck its head again 😩. I’ll never be able to level it to 50 (I’m 27).
  • OmenRIP
    Provisioning error 307 🤬

  • ZOS_Bill
    You can find troubleshooting in our help artivle linked here for dealing with Error 307 in ESO. If the issue persists you can open a ticket with customer support.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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